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[N/A]Display Bug (ManiaPlanet)
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[N/A]Display Bug (ManiaPlanet)  
I haven't played TM for a while and when I started it the last time, there were a lot of bugs in the game. The whole canyon area and also the mountains are blurred, even in the create a map-mode. :'(
At first I didn't care because I thought it is because of my rather slow internet connection, but when the game broke down to desktop during map-making I wasn't sure if it was because of my internet connection or something else.

Can anyone help me please or has anyone the same problem?

P.S.: The game wasn't any buggy before as long as I didn't play in any internet-game, and then it was only stocking sometimes, but not blurring.

Last edited by Forzyy,
Learner Driver
wrong forum dude. http://forum.maniaplanet.com
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
There is a "Bloom" feature in the options: Before starting the game (I don't know the english buttons, translated from geman): settings , advanced, display . I have Bloom set at medium.
Maybe this has something to do with your problem.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Danke für die schnelle Antwort Hans.
bin übrigens ein ösi und kann auch deutsch^^, dachte mir nur, wenn ichs in englisch schreib, dann kommt vl eher was zurück.
Nur liegts glaub ich eher nicht an den einstellungen/grafik. mit denen (auflösung, usw.) hab ich mich schon gespielt und geholfen hats nicht.
Das problem nochmals auf deutsch (in englisch hab ichs auch nicht so ganz rübergebracht): Sobald sich mein auto bewegt, bewegen sich auch die texturen von den bergen (werden dann so streifen) und da wo im canyon eigentlich wasser sein sollte, ist eine verwaschene braune fläche.
Nochmals danke für die schnelle antwort, vl kannst du mir ja nochmal weiterhelfen. derweil probier ichs nochmal mit den einstellungen


edit: hab den bloom jetzt nochmals auf kein, mittel und hoch probiert, der effekt ist aber immer noch da.
außerdem hat das ganze vorher auch immer prima funktioniert. vielleicht liegts am letzten update?
Last edited by oOThorOo,
Learner Driver
english please.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
sorry, was just additional info for Hans i was not able to give in english.

so: i tried out some settings with the bloom and other things, but that didn't work. And I don't believe that this is a problem with my settings since they were working probably until now. maybe it has something to do with the latest update?
I had a problem with downloading the update and then I had to reinstall the game. It worked all fine before reinstalling and after it, but now (maybe the beta2 upgrade?) there is this problem.
Learner Driver
This subforum is for bugs with the website "Mania Exchange".

This site is run by people in the community who have no say over the development of the game.

If you have bugs with ManiaPlanet, ShootMania, or TrackMania 2 Canyon, you should report them to the developers in the Beta forums here: http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewforum.php?f=415
Site Leader
Location: US
Oh, thank you.
Learner Driver
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