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Well patriot, you were spitting out a lot of nonsense here but finally you said one true sentense.
Patriot »CT« says:

I do not understand you, you are anything but reputable professional site operators.

You're so damn right. We are no professionals, we all do this voluntarily. And still we are dealing with logs like you every day who believe every idea they come up with must be implemented.

If we did implement every genious idea by people like you the site would long time be destroyed.

We are the ones taking the site serious, we discuss ideas and possibilities all the time. And ff is doing his best to implement the good ideas and bring the site forward.
All this without getting paid a cent of your money.

You could be thankful for a wonderful site that you guys are using every day for the past years. But instead you keep moaning about it and offend the mods because they don't implement every idea you have.
Because of course - the people who keep this site working for years are stupid and ignorant and you are superior.

Space says:
didn't understand everything you said, but you're damn true about slowness of the site. on TMX it's even worse, every 2nd page loads for a minute, and PPO bugs like hell (check PPO forum, I've posted about it).

Oh yea I get it. That's why we need a rating system. Because with more calculations to do the site will run better..
Last edited by SkunkY,
..wasn't me
Location: DE
you don't get it.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Well I do, this topic has been solved.

The suggestion that - btw - came from users, if you have noticed, has been implemented into this site.

Anything else from now on is offtopic.

Time to close this thread.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
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