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driving records on canyon maps with stadium-car
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driving records on canyon maps with stadium-car  
it seems to be possible to drop replays at canyon maps - driven with the faster stadium-car...
i did this on my own map to test if it is possible at all
maybe this can be avoided by checking the replay after uploading?

after starting both environments it is possible to drive maps vice versa :|
pretty funny, but this seems to be an ingame-bug
Last edited by div,
Learner Driver
Its known, please don't do it, as it just means we will have to delete them when they are found.

We are working on a solution for this.

Warning to all players
If you engage in this exploit you risk losing all or your replays because we will not be interested in checking every replay if you are found to have been cheating.... its not like you can do this by accident. So simply, dont do it.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
I've tested it as well today and was surprised that it works. I searched after it if there is already a thread.
You can delete my replays on these maps:

It is anyway a cool feature. I mean someone can build a map where stadium and canyon car are the same fast and let people fight on it as a Planets Competition. My league maps are very smooth with the stadium car, didn't thought that.
Moped Racer
Two replay on this track should then be removed also: Here
Moped Racer
Location: PH
here another one, pls delete this replay :@


THX (y)
Learner Driver
Location: DE
first replay with stadiumcar.. delete plz :(

Old Age Caravanner
Location: FR
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