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"Editor input replay"
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"Editor input replay"  
Ok, so I've known about this option/feature for quite a while, but I still don't know how to utilize it, so maybe someone can help me.

When you hold control and select "new map", an extra dialogue box pops up asking "editor input replay" and gives you the choices Playback or Record.

All information so far that I've been able to dig up was this post.

But that was a while ago, and it's been there this whole time. Does anyone know where this file it creates when you select one of the options might be located, and/or how to use it/make it into a video.

Looking for any information on the topic...
Moped Racer
Location: US
Does someone knows also the commands to pause, stop and replay the recorded makros?
Learner Driver
Location: DE
Edit/Bump: I really want to unearth this, as this may be what is used for effects in this video and this video

I was unable to find any existing information on the maniaplanet forums, and if no one can really help me here I'll post over there as well.
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
There are other ways to do those shots, and considering how old those videos are... Nadeo probably used the traditional way of exporting clips and importing them into replays of different maps, and then combining the rendered footage of the same cameras from different versions of the map at each progression. It's not that hard, it just takes some time.

This new thing though... "editor input replay" seems very interesting. Lets ask Nadeo how it works.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Well thank you for setting up the topic for me!

And these features have been here basically since the game was first released into beta, just kinda hidden. I tried both options a long time ago and didn't notice that playback started rendering an avi, maybe I'll try it again.

Electron I didn't understand how your question related but now I do, we'll see, I know nothing about this feature of course.
Moped Racer
Location: US
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