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Coop building--save track under a different author nick?
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Coop building--save track under a different author nick?  
I seem to be missing something... :)

With the original Trackmania, you could create as many "offline" profiles as you wished, and when you were using one of those profiles a saved track would have that profile name as author. (This is a good thing for collaborative tracks, etc.)

With TM2, an "offline" profile is not allowed to connect to any paid content. In other words, when I make an offline profile, the only thing I can open is the Stadium beta.

I can change my normal profile nick to anything I wish, but that nick change doesn't carry over. In other words, when I save a track, it always has "pjw" as the author, no matter what my profile nick is currently.

Is there really no way to change the author on your track (other than hex-edit adventures, which I'd rather avoid)?

Any help appreciated!
Last edited by pjw,
Track Slacker
Location: US
I'm unaware of any way to do it, short of buying another login.
During the Stadium open beta you could of course get a second account for free. ;) That doesn't really help you with Canyon tracks though.
Site Leader
Location: US
If that's the case and there's really no way to do it, that's a seriously dumb move on Nadeo's part. That pretty much kills all cooperative building, since there's no way for the second person to get any sort of credit.

Track Slacker
Location: US
I put both authors in the track name.
Like this:

It's not as ideal as the way we did it in TMUF, but it works.
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
I put both authors in the track name.
Like this:

It's not as ideal as the way we did it in TMUF, but it works.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I guess a separate, coop account could also be made on here to further emphasize it. Thanks for the suggestions--sorry if I seemed cranky. I'm just disappointed at what seems to be needless removal/nerfing of previous features and flexibility.
Track Slacker
Location: US
Just before uploading my track yesterday, I had the same problem. I changed the author by saving with a different track name then back again. Not sure if that'll work for you though.
Last edited by Phil,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: AU
Where did you get the duo account though? Did you buy it?
Site Leader
Location: US
I'd just go for some hex editor adventures :cool: .
It's not as hard as you might think. Just search and replace your old/new login/nickname with the wanted ones. It might be at multiple places tho, and keep length integers in mind (or just make sure the string length is the same).
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
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