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75 Builders Project - Collecting Parts: Round 2
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I think I've built 10 left and 11 right turns if I remember correctly. It works pretty well if you focus your trackbuilding on avoiding sprialing up-/downwards. :p
Moped Racer
So, how does the "testing" work?
You can call me lazy, and you'd be right!, but reading 26 pages to get that answer is not productive... :) (to me)

So if anyone can fill me in on that! Awesome! :d


Learner Driver
Location: NL
You are allowed 1 tester + Cxom as far as I understood.
Moped Racer
Rachovolker, would you like to be my valen...

Wait, not the 14th... :d

Would you be my tester? ;)
*(Guessing you are in this project right?)

Happy New Year to all that want it! :cool:

Learner Driver
Location: NL
Yep, Racho's right, and Happy New Year
Moped Racer
Location: US
Happy New Year @ all

Yep, you may now send me the track, Dakkon ;)
Moped Racer
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Heh, took a break from trackmania, missed this project. Cant wait to try this track out!
Learner Driver
Ls777 says:
Heh, took a break from trackmania, missed this project. Cant wait to try this track out!

welcome back :)
MX Supporter
Location: IT
It's really slowing down, I'm not getting as many parts coming in. I'm gonna try to motivate people with some pictures of the progress of the track, and maybe send out reminders.
Moped Racer
Location: US
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