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75 Builders Project - Collecting Parts: Round 2
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How is it going? Are we there yet? When are we there? 8-|
Moped Racer
You can see the progress on the first page. More than 10 people to go, apparently.

Are there any people on there that have been signed up for months now and there's been no reply? If so, you might need to think about replacing them.
Moped Racer
Yeah I know, but it's not only waiting for the mappers to submit the tracks, the huge amount is the consolidation and the creation of the macro blocks as listed in the linked google document on page one. But as there wasn't no progress visible, I just wondered if the spreadsheet isn't updated any more :)
Moped Racer
I don't think it'll take a "huge" amount [of time] to copy and consolidate the macro blocks, if we're fractionalising the time to complete this. They started November last year, and they still haven't gotten all the parts back from everyone.
Moped Racer
Everyone who hadn't submitted their part was replaced, and with upcoming deadlines. That was the whole point of the front page announcement and this "Round 2." I've just updated the first page of this thread, and currently nine parts are being waited on. I still consistently use the spreadsheet, and though some of it probably doesn't make that much sense without a key, all the parts in light green, that track the builders and their submission of parts, is up to date. The macroblock and consolidation columns are less updated, but actual consolidation of the parts into the map has kind of been put on hiatus as it's much easier to edit the map with fewer parts in the way.

As for expectation of release, there's still a long way to go. Post-production is going to be massive, as this project's even larger and more intensive than D25, so even once I get all the parts it will take a fair while to get the map release-ready. I jokingly said a while back that we should aim for the anniversary of the release of valley for release of the map, but I'm going to herein seriously set that as an absolute-latest deadline.

Although it may seem a little lazy/pathetic that it's taken since November to get this far, I've been working on this project with re-invigoration, and so there should be steady progress from here on out.
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
Cxom says:

Although it may seem a little lazy/pathetic that it's taken since November to get this far, I've been working on this project with re-invigoration, and so there should be steady progress from here on out.

I really hope you didn't take this from what I said. It's to be expected that it would take so long, it is a massive project after all. If anything, you've done a really good job sustaining this project. Nothing lazy or pathetic about that.
Moped Racer
Yeah, I definitely agree with irondragons. You are doing a great job and I think the final product will be amazing. And thank you very much for the detailed information, really appreciated (y)
Last edited by tcq,
Moped Racer
irondragons says:
I don't think it'll take a "huge" amount [of time] to copy and consolidate the macro blocks

This doesn't have anything to do with submitted or not submitted parts, but..: I copied my part and pasted it several times.. After only about 5 or 6 copies the track pretty much exploded! :$ I'm never going to be able to drive the final track :'( :'(
Moped Racer
Location: DE
It's been exactly month since the news were posted on the frontpage and there are still guys building? Some information about the process would be nice. I wonder if it's time for round 3 soon (brb)

Would be nice if the track was ready in summer so I would actually have the time to hunt it.
Last edited by Lolita,
Learner Driver
Location: FI
I agree with Lolita. If people don't build, release the spots again for other builders that are able and willing to do help finishing the project :(
And what is with number ten? It seems like that one was submitted quite early (speak last year), but it seems to still have problems ...
Moped Racer
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