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75 Builders Project - Collecting Parts: Round 2
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Can't wait to play this monster when it comes out 8-|
Beetle Racer
Location: US
Everybody gets PM'd their parts.
Moped Racer
Location: US
Space says:
FT»Lodec says:
btw i would be up for the screen if there isnt anyone else doing this job atm :)

since I'd like to try a screen too, maybe let's make a SC for it?

I think an SC is a good idea, since this whole thing is really about the community :)
Moped Racer
Location: US
I am not a huge fan of a screen contest. With D25 the track was kept secret untill the actual release, which built up more excitement. For a sc you need to provide the track. An option would be to provide some screenshots with set angles and then see what people do with their PS magic.

About the potential track name: I'd just call it District 75. That way people will always associate it with District 25 and maybe other tracks in that "series".

Is a trailer for D75 planned? Since there was one for D25. I could maybe help with that again :)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
That's true, I never thought about that... I definitely think we need a trailer :)
Moped Racer
Location: US
adsun says:
I am not a huge fan of a screen contest. With D25 the track was kept secret untill the actual release, which built up more excitement. For a sc you need to provide the track. An option would be to provide some screenshots with set angles and then see what people do with their PS magic.

About the potential track name: I'd just call it District 75. That way people will always associate it with District 25 and maybe other tracks in that "series".

Is a trailer for D75 planned? Since there was one for D25. I could maybe help with that again :)

Better to have some kind of lucky draw, so people who want to do a screenshot post itt and all the names go into a hat, and the name that's picked gets to do it.

Edit: I don't think I'll have time for a screenshot, but what if I did, I think a cool idea would be taking a cool shot of each section of the map (all 75) and then transform the shots into a mozaic of a larger screenshot (using something like this http://www.mazaika.com/mazaika.html ).
Last edited by irondragons,
Moped Racer
irondragons says:
Better to have some kind of lucky draw, so people who want to do a screenshot post itt and all the names go into a hat, and the name that's picked gets to do it.

people won't be encouraged to try their best then, if it's totally luck-based.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I disagree with a Screen Competition.. somebody trusty and skilled should make the screenshot.
And adsun MUST make the trailer for this map :cool:
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
FT»Mandark says:
I disagree with a Screen Competition.. somebody trusty and skilled should make the screenshot.

That's a call for ELVESTAD!!!!! :cool:
Quad Bike Racer
Location: CL
I want to take this moment to apologize to everyone whom I haven't responded to. However, I can ensure you that, if you haven't heard anything, it's likely a good sign.
Moped Racer
Location: US
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