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Getting discouraged...
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I tried making a dedication track, "A track dedicated to my fellow independent drivers", and still nothing. It seems like the more I try, the worse the problem becomes.
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
Movo, yeah I was kinda agressive. But, this is the 100th time I tell some one that's all a matter of tastes . That's annoying me so much. ;)

But, simply know that overrated maps don't exist.

That's your opinion? Well, your opinion doesn't respect the other's at all, simply by saying a map is overrated. By saying that, you mean you can't understand why a map has a lot of awards. That means you can't understand why other people like it. That means you don't respect other's opinion. Simple, isn't it.

So, don't say you respect the opinions, you don't. :p

And your thoughts aren't even an opinion. They are pure clichés of people who haven't got "enough" award, like you.

Oh, and why my "little" opinion? How much respect you have to the others players! :cool:
Moped Racer
Location: FR
I have lost a lot of attention for my tracks the last year or two.. But I could not blaim it on anyone but myself!

I recognize that I'm not as active (means noone will check out if you have a new track, because you probably won't), build a lot harder tracks (not as many are willing to put the effort into spending a long time on a single track) and perhaps most importantly, lost touch with the track world of TMX. I barely tested new tracks , hadn't played a single one of the tracks in botw (even though many might be made by my friends, whom I didn't talk with as much as I used to). The ones I did play online I usually didn't even comment.

To succeed I think it is mostly down to dedication, not only to making tracks but to the whole community surrounding it. Once you've reached GanjaRider status, I guess you don't really need to do anything besides making tracks though.

Blaiming your lack of attention on the community is just ignorant imo.
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Well I suppose this debate can go on forever sadly. Awards given to a track does not really concern me that much, they are mostly out of courtesy of other authors 'because u awarded mine' (obviously not all, don't get me wrong !!)

But as some mentioned, spending hours on a good track and yours just get lost in the mist of time (maybe get 5 downloads if you are lucky)... is not good, what inspiration do you have to make other tracks ? note: not talking about my tracks :) they all crappy, but now and again like to publish one or so...

Anyhow back to the point ... what can we do ? Does my theory of not limiting tracks per author sounds good ? In one week +-1500 tracks have been uploaded... a bit scary to me.

Anyhow good night all and sleep well :wait:
Learner Driver
Location: ZA
@Tuta It's not that I am blaming the rest of the community for why my tracks aren't getting attention, it's that I'm getting frustrated at the fact that they aren't in the first place. I really would like to know what the secret to being known as a track author is, since although I don't care about the fame I really like to see people appreciate and enjoy my work, and I enjoy the fact that my work is appreciated.

I'd explain why but I don't want to tell a long sob story. Suffice to say my life, although affluent, has been hard.

@zootie Don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure you at least have a few gems among your tracks. I'll go ahead and review them right away.
Last edited by Phoenyx Imperius,
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
there's no secret man..
Your fame depends only from you, from how you act, from how you move inside the comunity.
Give awards, try other maps, leave comments and make friends.

After a lot of time spend on what i wrote above, if your tracks are good, you will get what you're looking for.
Moped Racer
Location: CH
.dejavu says:
there's no secret man..
Your fame depends only from you, from how you act, from how you move inside the comunity.
Give awards, try other maps, leave comments and make friends.

After a lot of time spend on what i wrote above, if your tracks are good, you will get what you're looking for.

Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
If you don't agree, then don't complain if your maps doesn't get more than 2 downloads.
And don't spam the forums wondering why.
Moped Racer
Location: CH
You talk about what you havn't experienced dejavu.

You would be very frustrated too if you tracks were totally ignored while they are almost as funny and well made as some others ending up with dozens of awards and hundreds of downloads.
Last edited by Virus,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
Man i've been for more than a year in the same situation... Don't talk about me if you even don't know me.
I gave you the imput, the right advice... If you don't wanna learn from it, then stfu and stay like that.

Let me ask you, how many maps did you tried here at MX since you're registered? And, how many comments, feedbacks, or awards you gave? Are you sure that people knows you as a good user, that test, play, comment (or award) their tracks? Mh.. i think you miss something here...

Think a bit about that...
Moped Racer
Location: CH
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