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Shenef´s almost Daylies
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Shenef´s almost Daylies  
Hi guy´s
i fortunately found some time to play Trackmania again :)
i started making a track almost every day and got some good reviews
so i´ll start giving you the 5 newest tracks i uploaded (oc more on my profile)

dont mind the naming.. i´m just to lazy :d

this is my latest one and i got pretty good feedback for it :)
(and a damn good replay submission)
3 Awards right now

my latest stadium track and i like it a lot
i think it´s underrated so i made a video so you can easier take a look at the track

This one is quite old (2011 i think) but now i got it on a server and some people seem to like it :)

This one started as an Idea for the August MTC but it was longer than 15 seconds and i did not want to abandon the idea :d
And it got an Award :)

Another one i´m pretty happy with and it also got a pretty good replay on it but no award :/

If you are done with this tracks.. you dont have to wait long for new ones :)
Learner Driver
Location: DE
a few tips if you want to improve the attention given to your tracks:

1) Give them proper names! If you didn't care enough to give them something other than a random number, why should anyone else care to play it?

2) Always include Author Comments in the track page. Explain what your track is about and why you think it should be fun to play. This helps entice people to play the track and set expectations for what they will find.

3) Do a simple custom screenshot, doesn't need to be nothing fancy. Again, it shows you care about the track, so people will also care more for playing it.

4) Videos like you did on on of them are a very good idea as well =)

Hope this helps!
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
At first thanks to   pfm :)

1) I updated all the tracks with a proper name (canyon/valley/stadium short´s 2015 #XXX)

2)The ones uploaded today will get no author comment (not much time today) but the next ones will :)

3) It´s my job to use photoshop ;) But by now no Track (except MX-id 91412) has been edited and were just quickly set up, rendered and uploaded

4) A video is done and uploaded pretty quick and i could even batch process images to put the "video in desc." on the image, but most of the time i feel the track isn´t worth the extra trouble and time. But there will be more videos for sure

Here are the next 2 Tracks for today :)
first one is a canyon tech track with a kinda different approach for the start

The second one is the first stadium tech track in a while and it kinda got two possible ways to start.
The second one is a bit hidden and which one the faster is depends on your skill :d
hint: mind the gap ;)
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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