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Music lovers? Where are you?
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SOIA are awesome live! When have you seen them? The last time I visited a show was the "Built to last" tour.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Must've been back in 2004 in Munich I guess.
Moped Racer
New System?  
Would be interesting to know if SOIA gained some younger fans throughout the years or if there are only old people (like us) at current shows...
btw: My friend who showed me the video had the musician's name (is that a word?) Volka Racho.


Another thing, maybe someone can help me:

I want to convert my CD collection to MP3, and I'm looking for a solution to play them on my stereo.
What I want:
- MP3 will be stored on a harddisk (let's assume 2TB)
- The harddisk probably has to be connected to some sort of media player via USB
- I don't want to turn on the TV, to control the player
- So it must be a player with a display
- It would be awesome if the display was integrated into a remote control (to select songs without moving my a*s)
- A playlist function would be nice
- No Iphone should be involved

I'm looking for something like this for quite a time. Maybe somebody has an idea.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
so you basically need a player with USB connection (for HDD) and remote control? ^^
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
eh, yes. :$

I already have a player that could do that (Fantec). But it has no display, so I have to turn on the TV to select songs.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
hello guys, i've opened to myself a new band and I want to present it to you. I'm sure that you've never heart it before.
When i watched noregian film "Dead snow" i was exited about the soundtracks. So I decided to find some songs of it.
Cyaneed is a norwegian punk rock girls band, and I don't understand what are they singing about, but it sounds cool :d
Cyaneed - Nr.2
Last edited by Andriv,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: UA
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
"...pass it over to me!" :p
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Andriv says:
hello guys, i've opened to myself a new band and I want to present it to you. I'm sure that you've never heart it before.
When i watched noregian film "Dead snow" i was exited about the soundtracks. So I decided to find some songs of it.
Cyaneed is a norwegian punk rock girls band, and I don't understand what are they singing about, but it sounds cool :d
Cyaneed - Nr.2

wow that song is awesome, really love that style :d
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
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