The RPG Titlepack is still a mess with the MP4 update. I have put a lot of time and work into building my tracks for the RPG community as have many others and now I think we have hit the end of the road. Can anyone, who is working on a fix, give us legit updates? All I hear and read is "we're not sure" or "we are trying to fix things" or "ask so and so". It isn't cool leaving the players, who are dedicated, in the dark. We pay for servers to host the titlepack and as everyone can see, there is not one server up and running, which means we are wasting money. All we need are updates, updates with detailed information, like saying it might be a week till the next update or even next year before things get fixed. Like I suggested earlier, how about resetting back to the original titlepack and just convert it to work with MP4 and offer the additional items/blocks as downloadable packs to use. No need to get fancy, no need to change the sounds, the car physics or anything else. Keep it simple. This is what we want, simple with more item/block choices to build with, that's all. Until I see that this is 100% finished, I will be going back to TMUF and dedicating myself there with RPG tracks again and sadly, I know a lot of others that have already dropped back to TMUF because of this mess. Sorry guys, I appreciate your work, I appreciate what you tried to build here, but we are not getting any updated information as to where this is right now, or where it is heading. So good luck and I will check back to see the progress at a later date. Remember, "keep it simple". RPG family always, Red Virus