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Raise track size limit to 1MB
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Raise track size limit to 1MB  
The 750kb track size limit is really pretty restrictive for TM2! I made up a track with HQ Shadows and an Intro with 8 ghosts and the track size came out to 1.15MB. I first tried reducing it to 6 ghosts and it came out to 950kb, just under 1MB. Even after dropping down the ghosts to just 4 it was still just over the limit at 800kb.

The only way I could get it under the 750kb limit was to reduce it to just 2 ghosts, which really just wrecks the effect I was going for with the track intro. I hope you guys will consider raising the limit a little bit.


Learner Driver
Location: US
1MB is the max size for servers. I suppose we shouldn't have it any less. I don't know if this has been changed or not. But I thought it was worth the bump to draw the connection between the two. ;)
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
I fully agree with the author of topic.
I was made a few tracks are larger than 750KB (but not more than 1MB). And now I can not upload them to the site. :(
I think if set the limit file size to 1MB would not be too much and is quite reasonable. Why not? ...
Learner Driver
Location: RU
Shadowdane says:
The 750kb track size limit is really pretty restrictive for TM2! I made up a track with HQ Shadows and an Intro with 8 ghosts and the track size came out to 1.15MB. I first tried reducing it to 6 ghosts and it came out to 950kb, just under 1MB. Even after dropping down the ghosts to just 4 it was still just over the limit at 800kb.

The only way I could get it under the 750kb limit was to reduce it to just 2 ghosts, which really just wrecks the effect I was going for with the track intro. I hope you guys will consider raising the limit a little bit.


Here's a tip how to reduce track size (which should always be tried to keep low regarding of the limits of the site or servers.
It worked in TMU so I assume it also works in TM2.

When you want to add ghosts to the track, in the intro, ingame or outro.. before you record the ghosts, delete all scenery of the track, also any MT that you don't need for the ghosts and leave only the pure race path. Save this track (with a different name of course) and record your ghosts.
This will result in significantly lower file size.

I haven't tested this in TM2 but I'm positive it will work just like it did in TMU.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
And THEN raise the file size limit! :cool:
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Oh! We were heard! Thank you very much! (y)
Learner Driver
Location: RU
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