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How to create a simple concrete sphere in Mesh Modeler ?
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How to create a simple concrete sphere in Mesh Modeler ?  
totally noob here, i need a little help.

i'd like to create a simple sphere with concrete material. There's one existing in Exchange, but it's way too heavy (1.1Mo) to be useful.

In Mesh Modeler, i create a sphere with the Creaton tool (no subdivision choice, apparently...), apply concrete material (but can't see it...)
Then i click Export, but i can only export "Crystal" : no "Mesh" choice, as i've seen in a tutorial video. In fact, i never have the export choices, whatever i try, only "Export to Crystal".
As a result, i get nothing in the map editor.

Can someone drive me to the correct steps ?
(Well, or point me to different sized concrete spheres with low weight... :) )

Thanks in advance.
Learner Driver
Location: FR
If you are in the mesh modeler, it only creates a crystal , not the item itself. For that you either go to the item editor or which I prefer, is open the map editor, go to the item mode (F4) and on the left there should be a button to create an item. It will open a small window, but that's I think self explanatory you could choose between a vehicle and some other stuff). After that you are in the item editor. On the left you can create and then edit a mesh, that will open the mesh modeler which you are familiar with now. You can even have a different visual and collision mesh, but in your case that's not really needed. In the mesh modeler you just press save and after that exit. Then you are back in the item editor where you can save, give the item a name and you are done. Here you have extra options which I don't completely understand like having the item snap in a grid, etc.

About the too large concrete spheres. There is a simplify faces tool somewhere where it will simplify when selecting faces of the sphere. I haven't worked with the sphere tool before, but I'll tell him to post here as well to help you out. Would be weird to not have an option to choose subdivisions...
Old Age Caravanner
Location: BE
Hi, Mesh Modeler dev here.

i'm sorry to say that, so far, there is no possibility to reduce automatically the number of faces on your sphere.
In a future update, items will be 30% smaller so i hope it can help solve your issue.
Also, you may have a workaround until then : make your sphere very small, the MM will make it have not many faces. After that, you can select all your sphere and resize it to make it the size you want with still having as many faces as it had when small. I know it's not a perfect way but it may help ^^

Also, like eFFecT said, if you want to use it in a map, you have to go through the item mode to make an item directly out of your mesh. Or else, you can export it as a crystal like you've seen and in the item editor import it as the "Visual Mesh" field ^^
While you have it as a Crystal, you can actually use your Crystal to import it in future meshes easily (as a prefab) to help you build more easily.

I hope my words helped you and thank you so much for using this tool, it means a lot :d
Learner Driver
Thank you both fo your replies, i will test your suggestions.
may come back, though... :)
Learner Driver
Location: FR
OK, managed to do it (but can't integer icons, unfortunatly...), thanks to you.

So..., i did a track with spheres... :)
Bubble Trouble
Last edited by -GeP-,
Learner Driver
Location: FR
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