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How much does blockmixing hurt performance?
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How much does blockmixing hurt performance?  
I tend to use a lot of green bottom canyon pieces as a means of creating scenery for my maps. i usualy clip them into the ground and sometimes into themselves. i often play on a server that has concrete blocks clipping into standard terrain and i seem to have no performance issues. same thing for when i play through my own maps after having rendered the lightning. However, i did have my game crash when i was making a very complex map and im speculating it had something to do with water elevated on heightened terrain, though im not sure.

in case it does not hurt performance that much i had really hoped they made entirely naked canyon blocks without the roads lol.
Last edited by Bordoc,
Learner Driver
In my experience, blockmixing hurts performance about as much as using normal, non-mixed blocks. You'll really only run into trouble if you use an absurd amount of them, but even then I find that you're usually okay. One crash shouldn't be anything to worry too much about; that could be an MP problem unrelated to blockmixing entirely. If you're consistently crashing on your complex map, then there might be a problem with them, but as it stands right now it sounds like you're fine.
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