Please post links to your tracks for MTC March 2018 in this thread.
On your track page, you'll see a six-digit ID number of your track, and next to it is a button for copying that number to the clipboard.
Use the following syntax to create a nice graphical image of your track:
Code:[track=full]TRACK ID[/track]
Please only one post per user and no discussions.
You may update your track at anytime until the deadline, but be mindful of submitted replays to your track.
You can find the rules here:
MTC March 2018: Multi-Class Racing
I will add a short comment on all the submitted maps that clear the basic theme requirements and rules, otherwise I'll give feedback on what parts are missing to be accepted into the MTC judging.
Note: This is only meant to be an indication that the map passes all the basic rules, but not to provide anything further in the scoring of the theme usage or others unless there is something major.