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MTC April 2018: Wow, you're so fast! (Results on Page 3)
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MTC April 2018: Wow, you're so fast! (Results on Page 3)  

    Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC), April 2018 hosted by Racho!

    In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme. Later on, all of the entered tracks will be rated and a winner will be found.

    Theme of the Month: Wow, you're so fast!
    Maximum tracklength of 5 seconds!

    • The AT must be 5.000s or under!
    • AT must be possible to reach/beat by good/great players (i.e. no AT cheating allowed)
    • You may submit MAX ONE TRACK.

    • All tracks should be submitted before the end of Sunday 22nd, April 2018 PDT
    • Public voting will go from April 23rd to May 6th
    • Results will be published around May 7th

    :gold: Honour and the right to brag! (Jozii used to say that. I hope some still remember him? :p)
    :gold: The top 3 winners will receive a showcase of a track of their choice (< 10 awards)

    General Rules
    • MTC should be present in the map name. Example: [MTC] Runaway.; or Hattrick (mtc); or MTC - Hell Pole (make sure that any special characters do not break in the TM or MX track name)
    • Maximum 1 map per author.
    • Duo tracks are allowed, but each map counts as one track for each author involved.
    • The track should be built in the most recent version of the game available.

    • All environments are allowed
    • Custom objects/items are allowed
    • Blockmixing is allowed
    • Stadium64 map base is allowed
    • Custom titlepack allowed this month: Standard Canyon, Lagoon, Stadium, and Valley editors, ESL Competition Titlepack, MultiEnvironment TPs by Nadeo/Dommy/MrSloppi.
    • Envimixing is allowed this month
    • Press Forward, Left, Right, or similar tracks are not allowed

    How to Submit
    • To enter a track, simply upload and post a link to your submission here:
      MTC April 2018: Submission Thread
    • You can update your map within the deadline as many times as you want. Though be mindful of replays submitted to your map!
    • You are NOT allowed to update your track after the submisison thread has been closed until the results are released.

    Judging: Public and internal
    We will use a 50/50 mixture of the public voting system and the internal judging
    • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map, but the vote for your own map will not count (give your own map a 10).
    • Every map will be judged with marks from 1 (bad) to 10 (good).
    • The internal judging will note some detailed feedback with points based on categories (Theme [20p], Creativity [10p], Funfactor [10p], Detailwork/Scenery/MT [10p]).

Good luck, and if you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by Racho,
Moped Racer
Just adding to the rules

You are not allowed to cheat the AT. The AT must be possible to beat for good/great players.
Moped Racer
lol, just sayin'...

This should be interesting. :)
Track Slacker
Location: US
Mods are allowed ?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
Mods are allowed. :done:
Moped Racer
So... This isn't a joke? Because if it was, you would say that it's one by now.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: GB
Both assumptions are correct.
Moped Racer
seriously? i felt already long time ago themes are boring but you could always use your creativity and win by that, but now people in "track contest" have to make 5sec tracks? go fuck yourself
Old Age Caravanner
Location: CZ
mr.gmmbearz :d says:
seriously? i felt already long time ago themes are boring but you could always use your creativity and win by that, but now people in "track contest" have to make 5sec tracks? go fuck yourself

This is a monthly contest for fun, where people build random levels for a game on the internet; certainly not Serious Business to get Really Angry about.

Perhaps consider counseling, medication, and/or just unclenching a little?

(Also...you don't think 5 second tracks can be creative? Seriously?)
Track Slacker
Location: US
Thanks pjw.

@ mr.gmmbearz
We can't please everyone every month. We listen to constructive feedback and so far the feedback has mostly been to have less restrictive themes with many prefering themes where they can get really creative. I would say that a 5s theme falls into that category, especially with all the tools TM² provides. Is it slightly stupid? Sure, that's why I used it on April 1st, but contrary to 2011 not as a joke. Back then the April Fools 3s theme got more entries on TMUF TMX than the "real" April theme.

If you have ideas for themes you'd like to see, feel free to post them here. Or write me a pm here or on Discord.
We can't know what you think about themes if you don't tell us how you feel about them. Outburst, bashing very different themes about an unspecific amount of time do not help at all.
Moped Racer
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