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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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Thank you, All OK! :d
Learner Driver
I am having the same problem, even tho I already linked them. :(
Learner Driver
Should be OK now. ;)
Deep fried
Location: AU
Thanks a lot :d
Learner Driver
Hi, I have the same problem too :(

When I linked my ManiaPlanet account, I got a error message about TMX database access !
Learner Driver
Your account should be connected now. I've also fixed the database problem, so all logins should sync properly. (y)
Deep fried
Location: AU
Surely Retired
Location: GB
juju28230 says:
I browsed this sub-forum for ten minutes and haven't found any problem like mine.

So, when I log into Mania Exchange, it says that my MX account hasn't be linked with my MP account. Okay, but when I log into the MX Accounts portal, it only shows this :

Is it a bug or do I have to search somewhere else ? I can't find it. :|

I got the same problem except that I also have a frame "Duo Accounts" showing everything twice btw. ^^
what can I do?
Learner Driver
Location: DE
You don't connect duo accounts. Ignore the message and continue uploading.
Deep fried
Location: AU
sorry, when I confused to my addition to the quote, but my problem is just that I don´t see/find a possibility to link my mx acc with my mp account.
on the post I quoted you answered:
Forzyy says:
That's a really strange (and new) one. You don't see the 'ManiaPlanet Account' window at all? 0.o

so I thought I may should have such a window.
(I just wrote about the duo account window because it wasen´t on the picture I quoted.)

My second question:
the links "Change Email" and "Change Password" in the Options frame aren´t linked to anything... (a href="#")
is this "normal"?^^
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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