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Track upload  
Is there a way to upload a track that I cant validate? It shouldnt be realeased yet just that you can go on a link and get to this track?
Old Age Caravanner
hack validation  
as the title, there is a legal way to hack validation
im not sure who did that script but i think it was for gravity/moon project, since you can force custom gravity only on servers you can not validate "space" maps..

well so that script validates your map with one click:
download here
unzip here
(maniaplanetdocs=documents/maniaplanet for you)

go in editor, hammer, map types, hackerino, after that press ok, then maptypes again, choose Race, save map... done
you can not validate map by yourself now, so if you wanna drive it later, rename Race.txt to 2Race.txt
works for me fine, but no author time then, just for testing purposes, works also on servers afaik
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
That's a very thorough answer by skyslide, but also kind of a hacky way to do it. :p

If you want to upload a map for others to test, but not release it yet, you can upload it as "unreleased". The map does have to be validated though. There's a checkbox when uploading the map that lets you upload it as "unreleased".

Unreleased maps don't show up on the front page or in the recent uploads (unless someone has enabled the filter for seeing unreleased maps). You can use the URL to link it to anyone, or people can visit your profile to find the map.

Unreleased maps can't be awarded. But comments can be left.

Editing the track details and marking them released will change the date on the map to the current date and the map will show up in the recent tracks (but not on the front page).
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