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MTC March 2019: Chasing Cars
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MTC March 2019: Chasing Cars  

    Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC) March 2019 hosted by Rexine!

    In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme. Later, all the submitted tracks are rated and a winner is determined.

    Theme of the Month: Chasing Cars
    (Theme by A Bored Person for winning January's MTC)

    Build a chase map that's challenging for both amateurs and pros

    Theme Rules:

    • You have to use a multi-lap start. The amount of laps should be at least 3 for testing purposes
    • Flying lap length should be between 1-2 minutes
    • The track can be challenging by being either difficult to complete or by being hard to master
    • How smoothly one lap transitions into another will have a significant influence on your theme score


    • All environments
    • Blockmixing
    • Embedded items
    • Custom time of day
    • Envi-mix titlepacks

    Not Allowed:

    • Press Forward, Left, Right, or similar tracks
    • Mods
    • TMUF cars

    General Rules

    • You may submit one track maximum
    • Duo tracks are allowed, but each map counts as one track for each author involved
    • MTC should be present in the track name
      Examples: Steeplechase (MTC) ; [mtc] One Foot Behind the Other ; MTC – Sirens in my Rearview (check that any special characters do not break in the TM or MX track name)
    • The track should be built in the most recent version of the game


    • Your track should be uploaded before the end of Saturday, March 30th at midnight PST
    • Public voting will go from April 1st to April 8th
    • Results will be posted April 9th at the earliest


    :gold: Honour and the right to brag! (Jozii used to say that. I hope some still remember him? :p)
    :gold: The top 3 winners will receive a showcase of a track of their choice (< 10 awards)

    How to Submit

    • To submit a track, upload it to MX and post a link to your submission in this thread
    • You can update your track within the deadline as many times as you want
    • Submitted courses may be updated within 24 hours of submissions closing, in case of any necessary last minute changes. New courses may NOT be submitted in this time frame
    • Updating your track after the revision deadline has passed will lead to a disqualification. You are free to update your track once the results are published

    Judging: Public and internal
    We will use a mixture of 70/30 between internal judging and public voting if there is 1 public voter, 60/40 for 2-3, and 50/50 for 4+

    • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (your score on your own map will be removed, so give it whatever you want!)
    • Every map will be judged with a decimal number from 0 (bad) to 10 (good). All votes greater than/equal to 7 or less than/equal to 4 require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score
    • Note that you have to judge a stage entirely! You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count! Please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly
    • You need to verify your vote by making a post here (for example: "Voted :done:")
    • One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote
    • The overall score will be a mixture of the average public score and the average internal score
    • You must have access to all environments and vote on all maps for your votes to count

Good luck!
If you have any questions, please ask :)

Last edited by AR »rexine,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
G-kart Racer
Location: FR
AR »rexine says:
Theme Rules:

  • You have to use a multi-lap start. The amount of laps should be at least 3 for testing purposes
  • > Flying lap length should be between 1-2 minutes <
  • The track can be challenging by being either difficult to complete or by being hard to master
  • How smoothly one lap transitions into another will have a significant influence on your theme score

What does this mean
Last edited by VMan_2002,
Learner Driver
A flying lap is any lap where you pass the start/finish with speed. The time you get on a flying lap will always be quicker than that on a non-flying lap simply because a non-flying lap has you starting from a standstill.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
MTC - Enclosed  
Learner Driver
Location: NL

So I decided to make things hard for myself, and made a Fullspeed map that fits the requirements. Turns out, it's bleeding hard to make an FS track that long.
Last edited by bluesam3,
Learner Driver
Track Slacker
Location: US

March 2019 Public Voting Link: https://forms.gle/S4TADgkYobCrHY948

There are 4 MTC entries. Download them here.

In the voting sheet, give your score before your feedback (0 to 10, decimals are allowed). If you have comments, leave them right after your score. For example:

5.9 - Not bad. Could've done better on the scenery.
  • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (your score on your own map will be removed, so give it whatever you want!)
  • Every map will be judged with a decimal number from 0 (bad) to 10 (good). All votes greater than/equal to 7 or less than/equal to 4 require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score
  • Note that you have to judge a stage entirely! You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count! Please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly
  • You need to verify your vote by making a post here (for example: "Voted :done:")
  • One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote
  • The overall score will be a mixture of the average internal score and the average public score
  • The mixture will be 70/30 for 1 public voter, 60/40 for 2-3, and 50/50 for 4+
  • You must have access to all environments and vote on all maps for your votes to count

A panel of judges will also judge the maps.
This internal voting will follow the format of:
Theme (20p) | Creativity (10p) | Fun (10p) | Detail (10p)

All public voting will soft close on April 8th, 2019 at midnight PST.
After that you can still vote until the results are posted.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US

ranig wins first place! :gold:

  • "Good track overall, I like the different possibilities offered to the players in order to gain or lose time without feeling like they have to wait for each other." - Kousseau
  • "Fun speedy map, not too difficult" - PangoLynne

Second place, pjw! :silver:

  • "Interesting style for chase, but I think it fits really well." - Rexine
  • "Some good ideas that make some really fun parts." - Kousseau

Third place belongs to TurdleShell! :bronze:

  • "This track is a nice easy one and gives the driver some time to think" - PangoLynne
  • "...solid chase map that flows well." - Rexine

Congratulations to our winners!

Each winner gets a showcase of their choice for placing in the top 3.

Here's the link to the full results sheet.

Thanks to the few people who participated. There's a little over two weeks left to submit a map for April's MTC "Eye Candy", info here.

Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Wow, that is rather unexpected :p Thanks a lot and congrats to all! (y)
G-kart Racer
Location: FR
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