TrackMania Championship Series (Former New Talent League) map request:
- Style : Tech
- Mood: Day, sunset or sunrise
- Pack ESL: Allowed
- Mix mapping: Allowed (without flickering of course)
- Lenght: between 00:40 and 00:55 min
- Difficulty: easy/medium
- Name: $i$fc3ו$555T$fc3CS - $fff
- Custom Blocks : allowed
- Duo maps are allowed
- Display cost max: 3000
- DeadLine: May 1, 2019
- Maps must be created for our league and must not be published elsewhere
- Please send your map to the following email address :
- This mail should has as object : TCS - Name of the map - Name of the mapper
- Map sent for season 1 still get a chance to be picked for the upcoming season