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MTC July 2024: Wait a minute...
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MTC July 2024: Wait a minute...  

Welcome back! The ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC) Is here again for July 2024! I am Arai, your thankful host.

Theme of the Month: Wait a Minute...

The car must come to a complete stop at least once on the intended route.

Theme Specific Rules
  • The speedometer must read "0km/h" at least once when driving on the intended route. (Since the vehicle always starts motionless, the starting point is not included in this.)
  • Blockmixing is allowed
  • Duo maps are allowed.
  • Author time must be between 20 seconds and 3 minutes.

Titlepacks allowed:
  • TM² Canyon
  • TM² Valley
  • TM² Stadium
  • TM² Lagoon
  • TM² MultiEnv / TMAll

General Rules
  • MTC should be present in the track name. Example: "SuperCoolTrackName (MTC)" or "mtc|EvenCoolerName"
  • Maps should be built in the most recent version of the game.
  • Maps must be built during the month of this MTC.
  • Maps requiring drivers to use OpenPlanet are NOT allowed
  • Maps must be under 4 MBs (online server limit)

How to Submit
  • You must upload your track to this mappack and optionally post a link to your map in this thread

  • Your map should be uploaded before Thursday July 25th @ 05:59 CEST. Submissions will continue to be accepted until I officially announce closure in this thread.
  • Maps submitted within the deadline are allowed to be updated at any time. Although, if it is updated during the voting week, that will be at the cost of losing your votes!
  • Voting week begins on Thursday July 25th @ 06:00 CEST and ends on Wednesday July 31st @ 06:00 CEST
  • Results are calculated and posted soon after voting closes

  • When the voting week starts, the maps will be available on a server in the TM2 MultiEnv titlepack.
  • The server will be open for a week.
  • To vote, use the karma system on the server.
    -- 1 point (bad)
    - 2 points
    +- 3 points
    + 4 points
    ++ 5 points (good)
  • Everyone is allowed to vote, even players who submitted a map (your vote on your own map won't be counted).
  • All votes on a map will be averaged, resulting in the map's total score.
  • You no longer have to finish a map in order to vote!
  • Players are encouraged to leave an award on the maps they liked, and to post constructive feedback on as many maps as possible

:gold: The top 3 winners will see their map featured on the front page.
:gold: Bragging rights and a feeling of accomplishment!

Good luck, and if you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by AraiKay,
MTC Host
Location: CA
About the rule, I have a question: If we forced the respawning, does it count?

Also, there's a mistake for the end of voting week: I guess you mean Wednesday July 31st @ 06:00 CEST :p
Learner Driver
dr_eugene says:
About the rule, I have a question: If we forced the respawning, does it count?

Also, there's a mistake for the end of voting week: I guess you mean Wednesday July 31st @ 06:00 CEST :p

Yes, forcing a respawn counts as a stop :d

And thank you for catching that mistake! it has now been fixed :)
MTC Host
Location: CA
Voting week has begun!  

The voting week has started for this month's monthly track contest!!!
If you wish to vote for your favorite maps, you can join the server titled "MTC-Monthly track contest voting!" on the TMall/MultiEnv titlepack.
This month's theme was "Wait a Minute..." : The car had to come to a complete stop at least once on every intended route.

Make sure to award the maps you enjoy, here, on TM²X. And, most importantly, have fun!

MTC Host
Location: CA
This month's MTC is over. The votes for each map have been compiled and thus, these results came out.
The map that has recieved the best votes is hetna's "Time Stop"

Congratulations to them!

The podium goes as follows

:gold: 1st place: hetna - "MTC - Time Stop"

:silver: 2nd place: JMtracks - "MTC - FUELTime"

Thank you to everybody who made a track this month, here are all the vote averages on a 1 to 5 scale!
Hetna: 4.75
JMtracks: 3.25

You can access all of these maps in the Mappack below.
MTC Host
Location: CA
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