general help no idea but i guesss this is right place ?
can some one help me count the volume of an irregular tetrahedron
i found this but i dont understand (the bold text)
u′ = v² + w² - U²
v′ = w² + u² - V²
w′ = u² + v² - W²
volume = 1⁄12 × √(4u²v²w² - u²u′² - v²v′² - w²w′² + u′v′w′)
can some one explane/translate/rewrite this ?
or you can do a calculator in darkbasic only (code)
i know + - X / and raise^2 but what is all small sign/dots say ???
√ = ?
′ = ?
v²v′² = ? (v^2 + ′ ^2 = ??????
if you dont know what i mean see here and you maybe know what i mean