Here comes my third impressions (
I love the new way of placing pillars. Or the fact you don't need to place pillars, TM2 places them automatically and what's better, removes them when necessary. There has been only 1 problem with this loss of control: Transition block from RoadMain to Arena doesn't prevent pillar at the arena end of this block, so it's in the middle of road
My biggest complaint is darkness of shadows, it just is too dark where's no light.
Block selection is huge this time, but it's still missing some important blocks like slope diagonals and bigger slope curves, not to speak GP road junctions and normal sized loops (yeah they have big and BIG loop pieces and very small bottom part, but not top part). Where are lakes we had in TMUF desert?
Anyway, it beats all of previous enviros. At least in epicness. Even I could make a epic map