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Totally brilliant, interesting or/and inventive stuff you've found. That isn't funny.
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Totally brilliant, interesting or/and inventive stuff you've found. That isn't funny.  
Title says it all really, things that you would like to share but don't fit in other categories.

And this really amazed me, and probably the whole world.
The world will never be the same again.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: TJ
Don't go jumping at shadows just yet. The scientists at CERN are not sure if what they have is legitimate. They have asked for external parties to verify their measurements.

Formulas that have proven real world result would have to be rethought. For example, the formula for time dilation would return an imaginary number with a speed greater than c. Who knows what that could mean.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
They can't possibly be sure about everything... their job is to be critical towards everything. :p Let's wait a couple of weeks/months and see if the tests are going to be verified. To me, these results look completely possible. It just means Einstein was wrong.. and it's possible too.
Back in action!
Location: FI
So these guys might be smarter than einstein? ;)
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Not necessarily. They're just as astounded by there results as Einstein would have been had he seen them himself. Up until now, pretty much every serious physicist trusted in Einstein's cosmic speed limit, and the equations derived using the above lemma.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Hmm. Computers work because Einstein & Co. have invented those things. Maybe this thing makes the comps even better in next 100 years... If it even is true.
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Bucky says:
Not necessarily. They're just as astounded by there results as Einstein would have been had he seen them himself. Up until now, pretty much every serious physicist trusted in Einstein's cosmic speed limit, and the equations derived using the above lemma.

booring :p

Check out this video instead, really amazing :o
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Tuta says:
Bucky says:
Not necessarily. They're just as astounded by there results as Einstein would have been had he seen them himself. Up until now, pretty much every serious physicist trusted in Einstein's cosmic speed limit, and the equations derived using the above lemma.

booring :p

Check out this video instead, really amazing :o

I guess that's more fun to watch since you can actually see it, but those physicists just essentially proved the existence of Tachyons, subatomic particles that could complete the Isle of Man course in under one millionth of a nanosecond (not even photons can do that)! In other words, this proves that Einstein missed something (not an easy thing to prove seeing that he was right about everything else so far)!
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
I don't know if I realy believe it, with particles travelling at
that speed it's easy to do a wrong measurement.

For example:
if I shoot 2 bullets one after the other:
and I want to measure the speed of the 2nd bullet,
but however at the end the detector makes a mistake
and measure the 1st bullet, then I have a faster speed
(logical, bullet 1 was earlyer launched, then bullet 1
and will arive sooner)

Now back to the test at Geniva:
they send A LOT of particles towards Italy
and may have measured the wrong particles
(that realistic because of the super high speed they travell)
and thus resulting in a higer speed. Thats incorrect
ofcourse because they measure particle 2 at the start
and particle 1 at the end.

See this picture I've made: Click

i hope its understandable but its hard to explain in english for me.
I think the bullets example is easy to understand.

Greetz :)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: BE
Yes, I've heard that recently too. But it doesn't say that Einstein was wrong, but simply has made a mistake (I don't remember what exactly they said). But, as Bucky said, I wouldn't go jumping into the shadows just yet, because there's a big chance this is just a media story gone big. It might not even be true, but if it is, I believe time travel would be possible. Just my 2 cents.
G-kart Racer
Location: HR
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