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What are coppers? (Noob Question D: )
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What are coppers? (Noob Question D: )  
Just wondering, what are coppers?
I see people writing in the info for there tracks stuff like

'Copppers = roughly 8000'

or something similar. Just wondering what they are?
Learner Driver
Location: GB
In reference to a track coppers represent the weight of the track. The more complex the blocks and terrain get, it gets harder on your system, and therefore heavier. This number is usually found in the editor in one of the corners of the screen. When you first open up a new track, you'll see a number that I think is between 1000 and 2000. As you place blocks, you can watch it go up. Tracks with an extremely high amount of coppers will often result in poor framerates on older systems.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
To give an example, I have a track that although isn't very complex in itself has a ton of macroblock skyscrapers. This track weighs in at over 20000 coppers and takes about two minutes to load on a high-end system, and gets about 30 FPS in-game. Another track I built is much more complex in route but is in the middle of a barren desert. It has a value of 5000 coppers and runs better than some TMUF tracks I've seen (and built).
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
As an example, here's two very similar blocks...
5->6->5 weighs about 2-3 coppers or half a copper to 1 copper when stacked.
5->7->2, a slightly more complex block, weighs about 4-5 coppers or 3 coppers when stacked.

4->3->3 is the heaviest block I've found, weighing in at around 137 coppers.
4->3->4 and 6->7->3 are also pretty large at 74 and 73 coppers respectively.
Site Leader
Location: US
... says:
4->3->3 is the heaviest block I've found, weighing in at around 137 coppers.

On the ground it weight is 152. :o
wow,, heawy thing :p
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
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