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Experiment in track building feedback
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Experiment in track building feedback  
ok peeps this is my proposal.
i need feedback on my tracks. i have always done ok with awards but never amazingly well and although the feedback i get is good it never explains why they never get very far.
i have 6 years of trackmania building experience in everything from fullspeed, tech to stunt. i can make intros, outros in-game MT, screen shots and have coached countless people from mediocrity into full blown track masters.

the deal i propose is:

post a track here that you wish me to test. i will test it and give you feedback on the the whole experience either in a personal message or on the track page if you wish. if the track is good enough i will award it and if it isnt i will explain where i think it is let down and help you improve it if required.
in payment i ask that you try one of my tracks and give me feedback on it. whether you award it or not is your prerogative but i need your feedback to work out where im going wrong.

this is a link to my track page:
Scala Land

Old Age Caravanner
I'll give your tracks a try. ;)
But I haven't released any Canyon track yet, so you can't give me feedback about any track atm. ^^

Btw, I'm wondering why nobody uses this thread... I guess the reason is that a lot of newcomers don't even try to do anything to get noticed on MX. :@
Tbh, I think it's their own fault if they stay unnoticed.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
If the whole comunity will act like you, then this will be the paradise!
Thank god there are such members like you.

I will give a try to your maps, and maybe leave you some detailed feedbacks... hopefully i will have time this week :/
Moped Racer
Location: CH
please find attached to your tracks awards with the constructive criticism.
both tracks have minor issues but its a common problem that practice corrects.
as you will see i am completely honest when it comes to the feedback i give as i believe that sugar coating issues doesn't help you learn as well as frank open discussion. if i didn't think your tracks deserved awards they would have received a comment to explain why.

hope this helps.
Old Age Caravanner
tbh its very difficult and seemingly random as to whether you make it or not as a track builder. i didnt start out well in nations but started to get the hang of it towards the end, in untied and forever i became known for creating unique stadium tracks that were considered by many to be just plain evil. none were impossibly hard but usually required some skill to get through at speed. eg noob free zone
but my main claim to fame was creating the biggest multi-clan racing events. 22 clans, 165 racers from around the world racing 10 tracks at the same time in one big match. Epic Monster Match or Monster Munch Match. the people who competed in these still remember it as one of the best TM racing nights ever. it was awesome fun and im considering doing a TM2 one.

so its not like im completely unknown but maybe its my style thats the issue.
Old Age Caravanner
Sriver says:
I'm wondering why nobody uses this thread... I guess the reason is that a lot of newcomers don't even try to do anything to get noticed on MX. :@

As you can see here, I was rather talking about the 'unknown' authors who don't even try to get known.

I think everyone has got a chance to get known if he really wants to. But in this thread, you can see very well that the 'unknown' authors just don't even try. (Otherwise, more people would have posted here.)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
well that and this forum area may not be travelled much. i have linked it in a few other areas but things are depressingly slow.
Old Age Caravanner
Your experiment isn't nothing new. Let me explain: This is the way this site is suposed to work. You give me some feedback on my tracks, and I give you some in yours... I usually try the tracks from people who awarded me or comment on my tracks, and try to give them some feedback or awards (If their track IMO deserves it).
I tryied two of your tracks (I will try the rest when having free time):
Easy Rider: Nothing special. It has no mistakes, but I can't find nothing fresh on it. IMO only thing to mention is the inside cam on TM. I liked. But I don't give much credit on TM, I use to focus just in track when comenting, not pay much atention on "ornaments"...
Of course, it will work nice as a track when playing with nice people... But you can say this about almost tracks.
Twidles: You got my award (fully deserved): This track has a nice and fresh start. It's a bit difficult at firsts runs, but you can see new (and working soft) ideas on it. Nice scenery and flow. Challenguin (at least for me) and rewarding when you do a nice lap.
Second part (when entering the tarmac) is like another diferent track: It has a diferent atmosphere. Nice flow, and nice lines.
I think entire track would be better if you delete the second part, and continue building from there with the same style in the first part, but this is just a personal taste... I know lot of people likes variety on a track.
After this track, I will play the rest of your tracks for sure... It denotes athor knows what is doing :)

Feel free to coment all you want if you try my maps. I play TM since don't remember when XD But until now, didn't waste much time on building. I'm just a learner on building maps: I know my tracks maybe don't deserve thousand of awards, but i think they aren't craps. I will apreciate any kind of feedback.
Last edited by DeMeNs,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
Sorry if I'm mistaken, but is this not similar to this: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/view/370/the-track-review-thread
G-kart Racer
Location: GB
although similar thats for existing tracks. i willing to help in the building stage. think of me as a mentor, i'll check your track pre release and give you my honest opinion and help in fixing or improving your efforts. then you can upload it and pass it through that thread if you wish. old TMU did a big brother idea which is closer to what im trying but with an added payment of testing my track and giving me feedback.
Old Age Caravanner
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