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[DONE] List of tracks awarded by someone
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[DONE] List of tracks awarded by someone  
In users menu we can see how many awards someone recived , and how many awards someone gived to others...
It will be nice to see the list of tracks that this "someone" has awarded... Is this posible? (I can't find it)

Last edited by MrA,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
Yeah, I'd like to get that too. But it's not the priority of forzy atm, he has a lot of other things to do I guess. :d (Like PPO! hurry up! :cool: )
Moped Racer
Location: FR
i hope this feature will be added soon though. quite useful if you know someone who has a taste similar to your own one.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
This is a great feature and IMO more important than PPO.
Old Age Caravanner
imo not, but still very important
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Please use the search function

EDIT: there it is ;)
Last edited by Ville,
Back in action!
Location: FI
gj forza (y)
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Ville says:
Please use the search function

EDIT: there it is ;)

Sorry for open a duplicated thread, I can't find search function... Where it is?

Now on topic: DONE! Thanks!

Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
DeMeNs says:

Sorry for open a duplicated thread, I can't find search function... Where it is?

Now on topic: DONE! Thanks!

Sorry, my bad - I actually thought it had been put here already. As it seems it's not here yet... but scrolling through the few pages of bug reports and site discussion is usually a good idea anyway. :)
Back in action!
Location: FI
Since it's the only server I played on United, it's a must in TM2. But damn ppl... let him decide what features are a priority for this site. After all he created Mania Exchange, so this isn't a way to thank him. Working under pressure is not easy at all. I mean, let the man have a life.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: MK
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