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tmjonas says:
one can't go wrong with lateralus... 10/10

Wire - Reuters

@ ID: yeah, do that. it's amazing.

edit: @ skunky below me.. can't help it I guess.. on the other hand, golo doesn't have such problems, does he? (even though I've heard from other Germans having problems with youtube/copyright stuff) or maybe he looks for the songs manually. alternatively you might just give reuters 10 points. ;)

haha, no I have same problems, but someitmes I look for a live-version than.... however, still sucks of course...

Scritti Politti - Doubt Beat :

I like it, its a little messy but that fits alright and I like the harmonies and vocals on it. Itreally got me after listening twice. Although its not what I use to listen but its good music for sure. 8,5/10

Solstafir - Necrologue
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
pretty doomy song, nice atmosphere. 6/10

all the saints - sheffield
it's like having dust in my lungs
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
tmjonas says:

edit: @ skunky below me.. can't help it I guess.. or maybe he looks for the songs manually.

Tried that with no results.
Searching for Reuters on youtube I get a news-channel.

All the saints - nice athmosphere, nice drums. 7.5/10

Time for some garage days.
Last edited by SkunkY,
..wasn't me
Location: DE
good old metallica, nice song. 7.5/10

At The Drive-In - Arcarsenal
G-kart Racer
Location: CH
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
(well I hope they don't only play that show in california)
G-kart Racer
Location: CH
tmjonas says:

At The Drive-In - Arcarsenal

Pretty aggressive, wish he'd scream a bit less. :p
Not bad though. 6/10

You can call me Al.
Last edited by SkunkY,
..wasn't me
Location: DE
this is a classic. the whole 'graceland' album is wonderful! 9/10

The Fall - The Classical
G-kart Racer
Location: CH
Can't say why, but I don't really like it...


this one is a bit longer, but the first 2 minutes will show the stylke of music very well^^

MTC underway!
Location: DE
you actually just gave The Classical 4/10

good job bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moped Racer
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