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TM2 Unlimiter
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... says:
Yes, the source is available. But who is smart enough?

Where is the source and how to make it? I would try :done:
Learner Driver
thank you
Learner Driver
Good luck mate. (y)
G-kart Racer
Location: AU
Is this one supposed to work for stadium too? :s
Moped Racer
Location: DE
No gado. The current version is out of date. It doesn't work with Stadium or Canyon.
Site Leader
Location: US
With blockmixing down at this time, I put on hold any map making
until the upgrades stop or Nadeo adds unlimiter/challenge edit
into the game. Will play a few tracks from time to time, but as of now
the creative side of the game has gone flat. Sure glad these were not
$59.99 games.
Learner Driver
Location: US
Once a upon a time, 99% of the tracks in TM were made without mixing. The level of creativity was through the roof, and no one complained about the restriction on block placement.

I'm starting to feel like a cranky old player who misses those old days. :p
Site Leader
Location: US
I wish I was around in those days...
Moped Racer
Location: US
I dont think just because mixing is dead so is TM tracks, of course over the years we get to see less and less original ideas (transitions and PF starts ect) but I've always pushed for a unique kind of visual or driving theme each track to keep things fresh. Sure Unlimiter helps out significantly because years of the same limited editor gets boring but there's still plenty of tracks that can be made without it, maybe if people stopped trying to impress everyone with new track transitions and just build what they want they wouldnt be jumping over to Unlimiter or nothing. I used Unlimiter for pretty much strictly scenery mixing but I can live without it.

While we might lose Unlimiter, we are getting the true no limits on TM2 with block creation so how that plays out in TM2 has still yet to be seen... having looked at Hawk's stadium2 custom objects preview what's coming is exciting... for RPG tracks which I personally can't stand but I'm still eagerly waiting for a more community wide accepted title of extra pieces, maybe if we get enough good ones we can get a supported patch into TM2 itself, kind of like how StarRace was added to United and it was all user created tracks.
Learner Driver
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