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Notifications bar  

Maybe this has been already suggested, but don't know...

Sometimes, when i look at my trackpage, the maps are ordered by "recent activity" or something like that.
But often, the update is a comment or a new uploaded replay, and i can't see it clearly if i don't know.

Would be nice, to have a notifications bar, near to "private messages".
F.E, when you get an award, a small cup will appear:
(1) :gold: <--- This mean that i got 1 award

The same would be nice for a comment on the trackpage:
(1) [small message icon]

The same, can be also for a new uploaded replay:
(2) [Small timer icon]

Then with a click on these icons, you will be redirected to the trackpage or to an autogenerated message that say you on which map is the comment, the replay or the award.

What do you think?
Last edited by .dejavu,
Moped Racer
Location: CH
I like (y) since this topbar is usually useless anyway.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Please keep at least tmx out of facebook futures +o(
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
Im not looking for a facebook-look-like site, but Im dreaming for a comfortable, convenient and user-friendly interface.
Moped Racer
Location: CH
well said both, lol. I don't wanna "facebookness" wither, but deja's suggestion doesn't look like smth from there.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Idéa is nice indeed, but will probably take alot of effort to make it happend!!
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
That would be cool.
but when someone award your track it sorted to the top of your tracks list. ;)
i think its the same with replays but iam not, sure how that was at tmx ? i guess its only awards but i don´t remember :d
and i don´t know about message, i guess those also didnt sort by activity, but iam not sure there either. :$

award. :done:
what about these.
are they pop up on top of your track when this happens ?
replays. ?
comment. ?
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
Yes, tracks are sorted by recent activities or something like that.
But often, except for awards (that you actually see the date and the number of the award), for replays you can't see who uploaded it and when.
With a notification bar, you will get a small icon for everything related to your tracks activities.
And with that bar, you will see an activity without going to the tracks-list.

Then, this could be also implemented for quotes on the forum or activities on the threads where you are discussing.

Hope you get the idea :)
Moped Racer
Location: CH
I think the track stats could be useful.

I don't think it would be necessary for quoting. There are many instances where replies are done without quoting, and several instances where the original poster need not reply to his quote (someone else is just summarizing). I think browsing the forum is still the better option than quoted posts notifications.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Really nice idea ;)
Learner Driver
Location: IT
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