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"Your best time does not qualify for submission."
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"Your best time does not qualify for submission."  
Is there some filtering going on for times shorter than expected?

I happened to find a cut in DeJay (great track BTW), which gave me a time of 29.01s, considerably shorter than the 35s typical time but it can't be uploaded, giving the message "Your best time does not qualify for submission."

As it happens the checkpoints were taken in the correct order, although one was in the reverse direction.

TM has always treated cuts (or indeed taking the checkpoints in any order) as being acceptable (older readers may remember the original TM track where the quickest time was to reverse off the start line), and authors will then update the track accordingly.

G-kart Racer
Location: GB
No, it has nothing to do with it being a cut.

There is a bug currently with submitting replays to tracks that already have 25 replays. It's being worked on. Thanks for your patience.

It's already been discussed in this thread:
Site Leader
Location: US
There's no cut prevention in the system. MX is not responsible for cut prevention; that's something that the track author has to take care of. Try looking at some of the other replay threads around. For example, did you try renaming the .gbx to .Gbx?
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Many thanks for the quick response eyebo :)
I'd missed that thread.

G-kart Racer
Location: GB
That doesn't help in this case Bucky. This is a separate issue to do with the track having 25 replays already. It's something we couldn't test for in the beta phase of the LB 'cause we needed well... 26 different users to submit replays. :p

No problem Rallyz. Hopefully it can be fixed soon. (y)
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Bucky says:
did you try renaming the .gbx to .Gbx?

I'm using Vista, the files are already named with .Gbx.
G-kart Racer
Location: GB
Manually saved replays are Gbx. Autosaves containing other's ghosts are Gbx. Autosaved PBs should still be gbx... even in Vista... yes? Anyway, it's a side point, but at the moment replays do need to have a capital G for Gbx to be uploaded. So if you run across those, rename them before uploading. It won't help with your current problem though.

Here's a link to a post where I explain the differences between different autosaves:
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
Manually saved replays are Gbx. Autosaves containing other's ghosts are Gbx. Autosaved PBs should still be gbx... even in Vista... yes? Anyway, it's a side point, but at the moment replays do need to have a capital G for Gbx to be uploaded. So if you run across those, rename them before uploading. It won't help with your current problem though.

Well you learn something new everyday ...
I hadn't noticed the Autosaves (which indeed do have .gbx extensions). I've always used manual saves for uploads.
G-kart Racer
Location: GB
Autosaves are nice cause you can upload your best times driven online, not just your offline ones. ;)
Site Leader
Location: US
even renaming the autosaves to .Gbx doesn't work for me
it's idd true that manually saved replays already get .Gbx in Vista ^^
You just lost the game ...
Location: BE
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