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 VMS S12 Highway Express 2

by   WRAITH  |  31
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   00:43.399 |  Valley / ValleyCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  237283 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:40.360  Minimariner 31 (100%)
2nd   00:41.261   dr_eugene 24.8 (80%)
3rd   00:42.069  Roche 20.15 (65%)
4th   00:42.595  Mortex -745- 17.05 (55%)
5th   00:43.779   eyebo 14.26 (46%)
6th   00:47.128  nibor 12.4 (40%)
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 Author Comments
Valley Motorsport Player Channel "maps"


Please use the map pack link due to uoloading 10 maps you's will have missed other maps, no need to scroll past 10 unless you want to, all the brand new maps are to 1st 10 !

Map Pack Link https://tm.mania-exchange.com/s/m/900

Till next time enjoy season 12, stay safe and keep racing !!
 Embedded objects42 Objects
Object IX? Object author
HiriseNarrowX1.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
PlainZero.Block.Gbx tomhellrider1966
EtryB.Block.Gbx tomhellrider1966
HazardRB.Block.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ArrowWayPointBoardNeonBlueLeftTall.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ArrowWayPointBoardNeonBRedRightTall.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
TunnelHighwaySlope.Block.Gbx tomhellrider1966
GhostFinishlineOverylay.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
GridOverlay.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
GridSlotsOverlay.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WithSandHighway120.Block.Gbx tomhellrider1966
TallValleyv3Crane.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ValleylpOrangeBrake.Item.Gbx wraith
ValleyRedArrowDown.Item.Gbx wraith
HDPixelBigVan.Item.Gbx wraith
HDPixelTowTruckPKP.Item.Gbx wraith
HDPixelTruckTrailerMP.Item.Gbx wraith
PoliceCar3.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
Policeman.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
Policeman2.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
HeavyDirtSmall.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
RoadBPoleWarning.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
SandX2.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
FakeGPFinish.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
FakeGPStart.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
GPCheckpoint.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
GPFinish.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
HiVisNadCP.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
PixeJCB.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WoodlandWarningRight.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WoodenFenceX3to1.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WoodenFenceXE6.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
TMS+WindMillMod2.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
RoadSidePegYBB.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
FakeGPCheckpoint.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
BillBoardNeonRedX.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
HiLighLtGP120C.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
LeftGP120C.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ThePeg.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WoodlandWarning.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
WoodlandWarningLeft.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ValleyRoad4WayBumberSideRoad2Way.Block.Gbx Larentz
 6 / 42 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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VMS Player Channel   WRAITH 903
Online map rating
Rated 4.87 stars by 6 players.
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