Ok... how to explain this one :-D
I was sitting at home with the Valley editor open a few weeks ago thinking what a pity it is that hardly anyone plays Valley rounds online. The most fun TM sessions I ever played were probably Canyon rounds online with some buddies.
And so I decided to make a crazy, fun map for rounds and invite people to play a session online.
I took a sip of my
muscatel wine, threw away my mapping principles and set out to build a bad track that would still be fun to race against anyone.
Think of it as my version of Nadeo's A8!
The track ended up being a sort of cross between LOL and Tech.
It has a sense of humour, it is bumpy and uncontrollable at times, and it sends all your knowledge of how to drive certain block types out the window by way of some cruel obstacle placement :-D
What i think it achieves in the end is to make a level playing field for players of all skills to race against each other, it has a great risk Vs reward balance, and some luck and randomness in the mix, which makes for some hilarious overtakes and last minute recoveries.
Hope you have fun, and try to race this online :-)