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Tuesday, March 18, 2014 (3783 days ago)
ID  12769 
Seasonal Leaderboard

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1225th / 5987


MX Cumulative

User Comments
Hello all, :)
my nickname is "Space", even before there was Trackmania 1 or 2 . ;)

My TrackMania1 login is: "SpaceManiac" (played only offline until i went with TM2 online)
my TrackMania2 login is : "MrSPACEmaniac" .

My login is composed of my nickname "Space" and the "Mania" from TrackMania,
but got a "C" at the end, that sounds even cooler. :cool:
With the change to / extension on TrackMania2 i was given the "Mr" in front. =p

So i am not a clan member from "Die Maniacs", which would be a great honor,
since the clan is a mainstay of TM, especially with there leading server in Valley ensures,
that valley lives and has such a good friendly intercommunicating Community. ;)

I hosted a couple of servers, for my clan, my own projects and a related ;) clan.
Many of my servers have special themes/topics, or fill gaps where there is no server.
All servers are set up to 80 dedis, cause i like stat. (y)

TrackMania 1 server:

  • »SPACE« World - Island (0-60K) -> (server login: TM1_MSM_01)
    Island is my favorite environment in TM1.

    TrackMania 2 servers:

  • >!MAD!< / Valley - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_01)
    Home server of the "MAD" clan. Mostly nadeo and member maps.

  • >!MAD!< / Special: BeatWooloo - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_02)
    Special dedicated to a well known and a new map builder: Beatinfected and Woolookologie.

  • »SPACE« World - Valley (80K) - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_03)
    My 80K Valley server. As a supplement to "ManiaCs-Valley" for player's with more than 60K ladder.
    Over 500 maps show the diversity of Valley.

  • »SPACE« World - Canyon (80K) - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_04)
    Some Nadeo maps and a diversity of Canyon maps.

  • »SPACE« World - Stadium (80K) - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_05)
    As a Tribute to Eke we present all his maps. -> Eke»BCS

  • »SPACE« »Neyne¬ Chase TMplus - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_06)
    Mode "Chase" on Title Pack "TM Plus" together with »Neyne¬ and special support by ign/sorrow.

  • »SPACE« »Neyne¬ Doppler Multi - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_07)
    Mode "Doppler" on "TrackMania2" with »Neyne¬.

  • »SPACE« Low Gravity - Multi (Test) - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_08)
    Play maps with Mode LOW GRAVITY on TM2 Multi Envi.

  • »SPACE« World - TM2 Multi-Envi - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_09)
    Multi Envi maps on "TrackMania2".

  • »SPACE« Special: LoveDrift - (80K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_10)
    For his 27th birthday, drive Valley maps from the awsome map builder Lovedrift.

  • »SPACE« TP - Valley City - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_11)
    Since there was no server, you can drive all maps i found on MX with Title Pack "Valley City".

  • »SPACE« TP - Canyon City - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_MSM_12)
    Since there was no server, you can drive all maps i found on MX with Title Pack "Canyon City".

  • »NINJA« TMplus - (50K) -> (server login: TM2_THV_01)
    Drive "TM Plus" maps and other on the related clan server.
  • User Achievements
    7 Achievements 
    No achievements here yet.
    No achievements here yet.
    No achievements here yet.
    Featured Map
    Style: Race
    Length: 1 min
    Vehicle: ValleyCar
    WR:   00:55.508
     16     4
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