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Using both, MX and TMX, with your browser
Using both, MX and TMX, with your browser 15 Apr, 2012
 ohei2 (6 comments, 2118 views)  
If you are playing TrackMania² and TrackMania United Forever on the same machine, you might run into difficulties downloading tracks/maps from TMX and MX on the same computer.

Windows cannot see a difference between a Forever track and a TrackMania² map. Thus My Build.Challenge.Gbx (Forever) and My Build.Map.Gbx (TrackMania²) are treated as the same type of file, which they are of course not.

The solution to this problem I use is to have two different batch files as browser app for *.Gbx files instead of the original games, PlayTrack.cmd and PlayMap.cmd.

PlayMap.cmd is a simple text file and looks like this:
@echo off

echo .
echo Loading track into Trackmania2
echo (%1)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ManiaPlanet\ManiaPlanet.exe" /useexedir /singleinst /file=%1
if errorlevel 0 echo Done.
if errorlevel 1 echo Problem loading map.

PlayTrack.cmd is a simple text file too and looks like this:
@echo off

echo .
echo Loading track into Trackmania United (Forever)
echo (%1)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TmUnitedForever\TmForever.exe" /useexedir /singleinst /file=%1
if errorlevel 0 echo Done.
if errorlevel 1 echo Problem loading track.

Save those files in your game directories, PlayMap.cmd in C:\Program Files (x86)\ManiaPlanet\ and PlayTrack.cmd in C:\Program Files (x86)\TmUnitedForever\. If you have the games on another drive than C:, change all C: to that drive letter. E.g. if you have your games installed on drive D:, change all C: to D:.

Now depending on which game you play most, TrackMania² and TrackMania United Forever, install the according batch file first to make it the default browser app. You can pick that app in your web browser when you download a track from TMX or a map from MX.

Do that for a downloaded file from both sites, MX and TMX. For maps from MX, choose PlayMap.cmd, for tracks from TMX choose PlayTrack.cmd.

All you have to do now is to remember to choose the other browser app when you are not playing on your default site.

I don't know how many folks are still playing both games, but this will surely make it easier if so and you don't have another solution yet.
6 comment(s).
 haenry writes ... 02, May, 2012  
Nice program for tm2!!! Works well!
For united it's kinda useless, as open with tmForever.exe works for challenge.gbx files, too.

Isn't it possible to write a small script, that searches for "map.gbx" in the trackname and then, depending on the result, it opens the file with playTrack or PlayMap.cmd.

I am not sure how well you know the scripting language, that you could do this.
 wormi writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
Nice work, even though I won't use it as I put the maps to right folders while downloading :)
 Alex BF writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
:) thanks thats a big help bravisimo (y)
 ohei2 writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
I forgot to mention: Once installed and known to your browser, this works for replays too.
 Tuta writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
This is really nice advise!

Though I found the isntall and play on this site is good enough so I have associated gbx files with tmu, guess for local files it could be useful still :) edit: not local... but yeah... those not from tmx :$
 Minato writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
Thanks man, was not able to doubleclick on any mx-map cause it opened TMUF instantly, but this is history now .. :)

Thank you!
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