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Read Post 7:09 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Smooth banked turn platform as in Island. Banked booster platforms. ?? do we talk about the same block? ^^
Read Post 7:07 PM on 22-Aug-2011
More methods of getting out of tunnels. Atm, you have the ramp up onto the arena platforms and a couple of tilted banks. It would be nice if there were more options for dealing with tunnels.
Read Post 7:05 PM on 22-Aug-2011
hmm it seems that copper rang has been increased, or just a different game in video card demands. i know from the old TMU when you get up to 4500 computers start to lag, now you see 9000 + and plays smoothly, so i take it we can add alot of more sce...
Read Post 7:04 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Read Post 7:01 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Title says it all. I cannot check my MX pm. I get this message "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'mailBoxID' of non-nullable type 'System.Int64' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult View(Int64, Int64, System.Str...
Read Post 6:58 PM on 22-Aug-2011
98 lol this game is even more awesome than the 1 million one
Read Post 6:58 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Smooth banked turn platform as in Island. Banked booster platforms.
Read Post 6:56 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Read Post 6:56 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Read Post 6:55 PM on 22-Aug-2011
Wow im so happy you like them so much :D :D -- I love the quality of yours, fantaribo, specially the last one (L) And your is so great too wiknuw, the blue lights are awesome! But the big one has really bad quality :(
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