Hello MX!
Last night when i checked Discord again after 3 months I saw "Plantathon" who pm'ed me.
I, who didn't recognize this nickname. read the pm, and well Plantathon spiked my interest in what he had to say.
after some chatting I launched Maniaplanet and jumped into the editor.
well this is the result of this session.
an envimix map (canyon car on TM² island blocks)
I got to admit you can do great stuff with this mix!
Thanks Plantathon!
So the map itself
- difficulty: intermediate if you ask me. easy to finish with working cp routes close to the spawns. but hard to get that perfect time. plenty of places where you can cut off a few 0.xx's or even more!
- style: race/fullspeed: the start is slow and transitional but not to punishing (had online play in mind). after around 13-15seconds it made me remind to these platform island booster maps or those early canyon FS maps. without losing my own touch!
- Meditracker: Basic intro, basic ingame (loop cams triggers, disables and gps sequence near start[ left U-turn]) outro placed a block to cancel out the gps sequence text.
- screenshot just the ingame screen, didn't spend time on a custom one
erm not sure what else to write here....
have fun!