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Location: Home  Find Tracks  Lars's Maps  POLYCHROMAT1K 


by  Lars +1 |  25
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   01:22.875 |  Valley / CanyonCar   |   Expert 
ID  222067 
  Race Scenery    
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
 Featured in Community Videos
 Offline records Vehicle: CanyonCar
# Record User Score Date
1st   01:21.681  GravelGuy 25 (100%)
2nd   01:23.105  vdgzr 20 (80%)
3rd   01:25.071  Larentz 16.25 (65%)
4th   01:25.213  Marius 89 13.75 (55%)
5th   01:27.885  Chapelier 11.5 (46%)
6th   01:28.857  Quasar_TM 10 (40%)
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
The map from the video POLYCHROMAT1K.

This map had a Hunting competition, which was going on until 15th of October 23:59 CEST.
1st 30 € - 2nd 20 € - 3rd 10 €

The winners are: 1st   GravelGuy, 2nd   vdgzr and 3rd   Larentz.

You can find wallpapers of the video and map here.


You need the old TMPLUS titlepack to open the map.

You can download it here. (159 MB)

This is because we started the project in 2016, a few years before the new titlepack versions were released.

Simply put the file into \Documents\ManiaPlanet\Packs and install the titlepack "From Disk" ingame and you are good to go.
 Embedded objects86 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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Item64-3.Item.Gbx lars1998
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Item44.Item.Gbx lars1998
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Itegdagm999.Item.Gbx lars1998
Item106.Item.Gbx lars1998
Item107.Item.Gbx lars1998
Item108.Item.Gbx lars1998
Item109.Item.Gbx lars1998
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V_Rock3.Item.gbx xrayjay
V_Rock4.Item.gbx xrayjay
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Pipe1_turbo2.Item.gbx Skyslide
PipeCurve1.Item.gbx Skyslide
Bridge90_.Item.Gbx riolu
 12 / 86 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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