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 DBS - Porix's Lee Sin

by  Superal.nc  |  12
It's a start
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AT   01:01.005 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Advanced 
ID  42402 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:09.808  Jarektmnx 12 (100%)
2nd   01:11.342  Buddha 9.6 (80%)
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 Author Comments
Hey mx!

Here I am: Superal coming with a brand new track for the DBS contest organized by eyebo in which we can win 16 Valley beta Keys! (Stop shouting on me eye! :'( ) That's why i'm trying my chance there in the mode I prefer: mapping.
This track is a slow-techie with a lot of various 180° curves and 90° curves, plus some jumps and big height variations, which i like in this kind of slow maps.

The previous screen(this one: Screenshot1) was a little bit weird but I wanted to make a tribute for a great friend: Porix! <3
I'm gonna explain it now: I'm on the left (I bet you find me sexy) and porix is on the right. In a game called league of legends, which is a MOBA created by Riot Games, Porix likes to play a champion called "Lee Sin" (the character on the right). Still, he's very bad with him, so i'm quite trolling him with those texts (the texts on the inside part of the screenshot), and he trolled me back with the other texts (those on the borders of the screen). That's all! :d

The new screenshot is there, better one and bigger one here: I'm a big screenshot, click on me!

I hope you'll all gonna like this one!

Have fun! Sup'
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