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loadproblem in Trackside
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loadproblem in Trackside  
since a few days I have always had problems that some things are not loaded. Some other buddies I heard that this is also with them so. It is not loaded:

Learner Driver
Location: DE
The same at me, browser FF 39.0.
My tracks, replays, find tracks with new searchengine (http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracksearch2) also can not load.
Quad Bike Racer
Force a full refresh by pressing CTRL + F5, or hold F5 for a while. For some reason it caches a script that should hide the overlay.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Ok that's it, thank you.
Quad Bike Racer
Thks for that Info. It works (y)
Learner Driver
Location: DE

i've been having something odd related to this lazy loading of awards and dedis (and also in the track search when you change a filter)
(even after Ctrl F5)

what happens is that during the lazy refresh of those boxes the whole browser hangs while the load takes place
even the mouse arrow locks up, its like the JS executing in the browser hangs the entire machine

Im on latest stable Chrome and Win 7

I find it really odd, but maybe its just my PC
just posting in case someone else has the same problem
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
I've changed around some relatively small and innocent things regarding loading.
If anything, the added blur or transition might magically mess up your computer (but really, a browser shouldn't lock up your computer, no matter what the website has as code). Or the heavy child selector... Or the before-selector :p. You can try to add some userscript that removes the blur or the transition.

This userscript for Tampermonkey (Chrome) will disable the blur and transition, which might solve it for you.
// ==UserScript==

// @name My Fancy New Userscript
// @namespace http://your.homepage/
// @version 0.1
// @description enter something useful
// @author You
// @match http://tm.mania-exchange.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

var css = document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0];
css.innerHTML += ".windowv2-loading > * { filter: unset; -webkit-filter: unset; }\n .windowv2-canload > * { transition: unset; }";
Last edited by TGYoshi,
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Thanks for the script Tiggs =) i appreciate the effort

although im not going to install an extension just to remove those features from MX!

why complicate things in the first place?
site worked fine as it was right before you added the blur to the lazy loading thing
it was fast and functional and i dont remember it looking bad at all... just saying =)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
That isn't a reason to not touch it at all, nor did it get any more complicated than it was first :p.
While the blur is just a thing I added because I could (and I honestly doubt it's causing the problem), the current selector-based loading overlay is way simpler than the old technique. This also reduces complexity to create those visuals and amount of data sent (as it's all css).

In fact, there's a huge chance that if you try it in another browser it'll work just fine as freezing the whole browser is clearly a bug in that software. Who knows even IE performs better :o.
Or some plugin in your browser messes it all up, or some configuration of your browser does (hardware accelerated rendering?)...

If anyone else has this problem, though, be sure to yell here.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
yeah you are probably right

most probably the way chrome handles "feGaussianBlur" used by your code

I found reports of the bug in the past in the chromium bug tracker
Last edited by pfm,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
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