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[OLD] Knockout map building: KO8 & KO9
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Thanks for all the new submissions. :)

Over the next few weeks, I'll be making an audit of all TM2 KO track pools. I'll be looking at the following areas:

- Lack of respawnability
- Unclear wayfind (signage/scenery)
- Lucky parts
- Extremely bad flow
- Bad jumps
- Alternate routes or finishes that aren't obvious
- Unintended shortcuts
- Extremely difficult parts (unfriendly to novice/intermediate drivers)
- Tracks that rely on super precise driving
- Objectionable track names
- Tracks that are broken because of MP4 update
- Multilap tracks in Time Attack pools
- Multilap starts on tracks in Time Attack pools

Tracks that break one or more area will be retired from the KO pools to make room for new tracks.

In the meantime you can continue to submit new tracks, but you might keep these areas in mind when building to lessen the likelihood of your map getting rejected or modifications being requested.
Site Leader
Location: US
SA V2 here
[Bad Track/Map Link]
Skullgirlian Helper
Location: TH
"KO8 - how to basic (editor)"
Last edited by Deska,
Learner Driver
Location: PL
Is there some kind of deadline for maps? Or can I send in maps any time on any environment following the rules and they will be in for the next knockout?
Learner Driver
There is no deadline for track submissions. We will rotate environments and pools on a weekly basis meaning, if KO8 - Lagoon is played this week, it'll take 2 month until it's played again.
We prioritize testing the tracks for the upcoming environment/pool though, which means it can take a while to get feedback on a track while later submissions already got tested.
Moped Racer
How many coppers should my map have ideally? (up to)

I just had scenery and gone up to 6k, so I reset everything :s and want to go for an amount of coppers
Last edited by Nsgr,
Learner Driver
Just sent my entry, I hope its alright, about the performance, I just gonna say that I tested the track on a Radeon 6570 and it works smoothly, the track have scenery but its not huge so I guess its fine. (y) looking forward to the KO event and I will be here in touch in case any change is needed :build:

The track is marked as not released, poke me when you guys want me to release it :) thx.
Last edited by -Naxreus-,
Learner Driver
Thanks for the map submission Naxreus!

Maps can be released 6 months after they're first used in the KO. :) We're just coming up on the release of the first KO8 and KO9 maps.

It's still up to authors whether they want to release their map or keep it private/for KO use only.

Nsgr says:
How many coppers should my map have ideally? (up to)

Copper-wise there's no hard limit. But reasonably you shouldn't go over 15000c.

Keep in mind you only really need scenery in the immediate vicinity of the driving route. If you can't see it while driving, it's really a waste to add it.

So, in environments like Canyon, Valley, and Lagoon.... adding trees and other decorations on the other side of mountains beyond the view of the driver is really a waste. It might look good in the editor, but it adds unnecessary weight to the map. :)
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
So I worked hard on "KO9 - Anderweitig aktive Alliterationsakronyme" and I will hope it gets accepted. I am far away from 15k coppers, and I removed some scenery that isnt visible to the driver.

In addition to that, I am building a KO Stadium map, that I would like to use in my Titlepack, which I would like to release around december / january maybe. Is that okay or since thats only 2-3 months, I am not allowed to publish it in my titlepack :s
Last edited by Nsgr,
Learner Driver
My first ever KO9 Track  
Hope its somehow good. Ist not too hardm but yet not too easy :d
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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