TrackStudio 2.0 - Your vision of ideal trackmaking tool
Hello everyone.
I'm currently working on TrackStudio 2.0 and i really want to consider every opinion and suggestion, because i know that for example some people didn't like TrackStudio and used CE instead. So i want to understand your wishes and try to please everyone.
The important thing is that i'm not talking about blockmixing tool. I'm talking about trackmaking tool, which is much more. So pleace give me some feedback and share your ideas. You can tell me about things you don't like in game editor, so i'll make it better in TrackStudio.
And, by the way, i almost doesn't use sources of TS1 in TS2, so it will be totally new tool. Bye-bye old bugs.
Here's the list of already proposed suggestions with my comments. I put my ideas here just to let you know i've already thought about it.
Both TMForever and TM2 support - will be done. TrackStudio 2 is universal tool.
Models of all blocks - i'm not sure about that right now. I'll have to understand TM models format for it.
"I don't see textures in trackstudio!!!" - everything will be perfect
Working without CE - yes. TrackStudio 2 is independent tool.
The "I hate 3D" mode - some people still doesn't like the 3D view and prefer ChallengeEdit. So there will be an ability to edit your track in simple interface like CE.
Version control - TrackStudio 2 will probably have a simple version control system. It will allow you to store all versions of your track on TrackStudio server (or on your PC), browse it, rollback or merge (combine parts of different versions together in one track). Useful if you work on big track and want to save every step of building. Pleace tell me what do you think.
Controls like in TM editor(by Space) - of course. You'll be able to switch between two modes: TM and TS.