Hi guys,
Theme of the
MTC July 2019: Blocks Got Talent
Use a certain block or macro-block as the highlight of your track!
The Block I use as Masterblock is
The track:
Idea of the track was to use a block, that you can drive on in several different ways.
And I instantly thought about this very versatile block (see map thumbail).
I tried to keep the way as simple as possible. The beginning is very Speedtech-like with long drifts around the corners, which you start by autoslide. After the respawn-CP, there are not as many drifts anymore, but many transitions. However, as I knew this might get too difficult at some block usages, I decided to add
safe ways. You can watch them in the GPS or if you need to respawn. All CPs are respawnable.
Another big thing is the scenery. A huge Canyon area, with lakes and in the middle a steep Canyon river crossing the whole map. I used many different blocks for scenery, but I also tried to use my
Masterblock a lot for decoration.
In total you will drive in a run 16 times on the block. As there are 2 finishes with one Masterblock each,
there are
17 blocks in total. Quiet logic: 3+7+7=17
In the GPS it sais
18, because the 3rd block can be used in 2 different ways, again a safer and a faster one.
And on one platform you drive around the block as well, as inside wall, so you could count even more. As I already said, it is also used as scenery many times.
GPS: I can only recommend you to watch it.
It shows a decent run, with some tips on certain parts, and in the end it shows the safe ways.
In addition, it counts the block usages. There is also an
Intro and Extro. However, the game is a bit bugged. I can't say 100%, that you see what is intended to be seen.
The track route itself uses almost no blockmix at all. Also the Masterblock itself is placed normal in most cases. Only the road connection of the block sometimes forced me to use blockmix to put sth directly beside the block. Other blockmixes are just for decoration purposes.
One time, I used the Masterblock as an object. When you have to use the Offroad-bump for the first time, in order to get steep upwards, you could have gotten bad bumps easily. So I
meshmodelled the bump a bit to make it smoother. You can take it smooth also with the normal block, but it is a difficult to aim spot and maybe also random, so I did sth against that. All other times, the Masterblock is the real 3-7-7 block from the Editor. Other objects are small signs and CPs.
So, that's it.
Have a lot of Fun!