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replays disappear !
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replays disappear !  
Two times now, when I try to upload my new record on a track, i got the message; ur time does not qualify for submission, so in disbelieve i check the auto save replay folder, and to my surprise it is not my new record there, but the old one, but when I start the track again and finish, my new record appear there as my best time..... So my new time is there, just not in the auto save folder..... What do I do wrong ? :$
Moped Racer
Location: PH
What ? 14 views. and not a single answer??? But I figured it out..... Its not like in TMNF, where " autosaves " never being overwritten by last replay... (Unless the time is better....) It will be, if u start the track again..... and finish with a "poorer" time then last "personal record"...... In TM2, it will overwrite your best record time... That`s the reason why it`s wise to save a new personal record separately in another folder then " autosaves "..... Now I know, and now U know also..... Canyon Rocks, but "sucks" in many ways, still.......
Moped Racer
Location: PH
offline mode in TM² is pure shit tbh. I think that's because nadeo started testing solo mode like 1 week before release.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
After you drive the track, and the replay starts playing automatically, just click the button at the bottom that says "Save the Replay." It does exactly what it says it does.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
still not a real way out.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I'm sorry if having to click a couple of times to save a replay is too much for some people. It's what I do. :p
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
what if you improve your time all the time and you dunno which will be the best one? save tenths of replays? and for every track.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Saving replays is trivial. Space requirements for replays is trivial. Anything you don't need, Shift+delete (permadelete, skips the recycle bin), which is also trivial. Really, it's not that big of a deal. 8-|
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
still don't understand why Nadeo screwed such an awesome thing like autosaves.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
It seems to me that do it right wasn't too hard for devs...
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
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