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Zotac TM2 cup searching for maps!
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maps send :done:
I hope I'm still in time ?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: BE
It is a weekly cup,so it's basically never too late ;) And thanks
Last edited by Weeeeee(15011),
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NO
No worries, thanks Weee.
Moped Racer
Location: AU
If we don't get a reply email, do we just assume are maps didn't get picked? How do we know whether or not it gets picked?
Learner Driver
You could check the mappool of every week to see if its there,even though your maps isnt choosed for one week,they may be for the next.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NO
I would assume that if your map is straight out rejected, you would be told as much.

If you're not told, then yeah... they're probably saving the map for a future week. :d
Site Leader
Location: US
Mappack #15

Zotac - Emerald (adder)
speeding:hills (haenry)
Catoz (sd.marius89)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NO
yop yop

i have send 1 email and can i have a feeback if you have received it !

thx !
Learner Driver
Well,it fits the requirements atleast,so it will likely be in the mappool within a few weeks.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NO
Mappack #16

ZOTAC - Cerbere (cedstunt27)
ZOTAC...painkiller (tcq)
Laika Boss (wormii)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NO
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