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Ability to subscribe to author's maps and forum topics. Nao.

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
The possibility of subscribing of author's tracks was there in TMX, and I would love to have that back. Thread subscribing would also be pretty cool :)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
All the details aside, like who said what in what tone and if it was polite or not...

We realy need the add authors to favourites function ^^

That statement is true, no matter how polite it was worded. So please, please, please make it a priority. It's realy been quite a while and I think it is quite obvious from these re-apearing posts that the community realy wants this feature.

Also, what would be realy great, would be to hear from Forzyy what he thinks about this. Or just what the problems are with the feature. Is it a general problem with the structure of the site, or is it just so low on the priority list that he has not started working on it yet ? All I noticed so far trough all these threads is a general absence of replies from Forzyy. ^^
Last edited by smigles,
Old Age Caravanner
smigles says:
We realy need the add authors to favourites function ^^^^

We do actually have it already, ingame....just add ur favourite author as buddy, then u have it there right in front of u every time they upload a new track.... pretty cool imo.... :cool:
Moped Racer
Location: PH
Only if they add you back. :p

I think we still need it on MX as well. But yeah, that is quite handy Nesrally.
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo (741) says:
Only if they add you back.

Yeah, but who will not, if u ask kindly..... (l) ......
Moped Racer
Location: PH
You only have a limited number of friends slots. Of course you can always buy more slots but maybe people have other plans with their planets and
not everybody wants to have everybody else in his friends list who asks kindly. ;)
..wasn't me
Location: DE
I personally add anyone and everyone I talk to or know. And if anyone adds me I always accept. I've had to spend 27,000 planets on slots. I hope I won't need those planets for other things. :s

But I will say that it's almost becoming impossible to keep up with stuff in ManiaHome. So I just let the notifications wash over me like an ocean wave.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
ive never spent a planet on a slot.

Whats a slot? :s
Surely Retired
Location: GB
You have 50 slots for buddies by default. If you add more than 50 buddies then you need to buy more buddy slots from your ManiaPlanet Player Page. They cost 150 planets per slot. Once you have bought the slot, then you can add or remove buddies from those slots. It just gives you more room for more buddies.

If you don't add more slots and you keep adding buddies past your limit, it will pop up in-game and tell you that you've went over and to act quickly or Nadeo will remove some of your buddies. Presumably some of the longest inactive ones (I would hope).

As I said, the default limit in ManiaPlanet is 50 slots. In TMUF it was 64 slots (and 100 coppers per slot to buy more). In TMNF it's 16 slots I think.

The ability to buy buddy slots wasn't added until around 2009 or 2010.

If you play a lot online and are chatty with lots of people... you'll find yourself running out of slots pretty quickly I think.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
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