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Now that notifications are here...
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nicely said imho.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
smigles says:
We used to have a good thing. Now it's a endless construction site

What we had took about 5 years to build and many of the functionalities you maybe take for granted never existed for many of those years.

But in the same way that Nadeo did not have to start again to make a new environment called Canyon, but did so becuase they needed the foundations to be stronger than TMU could offer, we did the same thing, and started again with Mania Exchange becuase eventually we will be in a better place.

I agree, notifications about when your favoruite authors upload new maps would be a good thing (is that all this is about?), and I agree that Forzzy is not the number one public relations person in th world (he is a coder, what do you expect? ;) )

But you know, all in all, what you have here is not that bad, its hugely more feature rich than TMX was at a similar stage in its life.

Please stick with us and experience the journey (l)
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
experience the journey? i rather come here after three years to see everything done, but not give a fuck any more, because i'll be in the university ._.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Just going back to the title of the thread: Now that notifications are here... we can hate on forzyy?!?!
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I don't agree with smigles attitude here, although I certainly understand how it developed.

I do agree with MrA's logic. It's sound, but also a bit one-sided. He's right to say we are way further along than TMX was at a similar point in it's history.

But I don't think people really care that Nadeo or us decided to start over. What is known is the lack of features that everyone was already used to. I think it's partly why a lot of people have tried to go back to United, because it's still more completed (feature-wise) at the moment than TM2 or MX. You get used to having Stunt, Platform, even Puzzle. You get used to having the ability to make a lot of transitions and use blocks in a lot of different ways. You get used to having PlayPal Online, offline PlayPal, the Beta area, Favorite Authors List, etc. And to have those things seemingly "removed" seems like a step back to most everyone, except the newcomers who never used them.

I think what's not really understood is how important the favorite authors feature is. Maybe Forzyy never used it, so he doesn't put much importance on it. However, a lot of people did. And to my mind it's the biggest missing feature on MX. It pains and confuses the users here to see new stuff that TMX never had (like live notifications) get added before the basic functionality is restored that everyone was used to. It's like trying to build a building before it's foundations are completed. It's madness. I understand some stuff is chosen to be left out of this new site. Maybe we'll never see offline playpal, the beta area, or showcases ever again. But if favorite authors are still on the roster of things to add, they should be given top priority.

Recent tracks by favorite authors list + PlayPal Online are easily the two most important features that are still missing from MX. They're more important than you can possibly know. These features are key to the survival of not only this site, but also the community around MX, which has a major impact on the game itself.

I think if you want to see any remnant of the old timers still here in 6 months, these features will be given top priority. Don't do it because a few people threw some curse words around and showed disrespect. Do it because it's the right thing to do.

I understand a version of MX for Storm is probably top priority right now. But when that's to a point that it's stable and released, the aforementioned features would be greatly appreciated if they were developed in an expedient fashion. And what do you know... SM MX users will also benefit from the addition of this core feature.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US

September 27, 2011
smigles says:
I think this is one of the most important features of TMU tmx, that you can subscribe to a author and see their latest creations in the "favourite authors" section. We need this back, please ^^

It realy makes map finding for servers that much easier.

October 8, 2011
smigles says:
Sorry to bother you again, but IMO this is the MOST valuable function for server admins who can not test tracks all day long. I mean me of course :)

Any chance of this function happening soon ?

October 9, 2011
smigles says:
I am not the most patient, I gotta admit ^^

October 27, 2011
smigles says:
Any chance to add "add author to favourites" in this list somehow ? Like on tmx United ?

I know it was not perfectly implemented there, but it would be better than nothing. :/

October 30, 2011
smigles says:
Not to nitpick, but blogging ? Why dont we make sure that the functionality from tmux is back 100% before introducing new stuff like blogging ?

December 6, 2011
smigles says:
Could whoever is doing the coding please make this a priority ?

I need to have some possibility to check if my favourite authors have made new tracks. Since we dont have this function as we had in TMU-xchange ( i hope we still get this, please ! ), I had to go trough all my awards manualy and check every author. Now, I can not even do that any more because I can not browse my awards.

Please, fix this. Help me make a good server with good tracks. As it is atm, all I can do is check tracks out randomly.

January 9, 2012
smigles says:
I know it probably wont help much, but I am curious on how things are going with this feature ^^

Any chance we see it before the end of the world in december ? :d

ps : i am of course talking about the "favourite mapper" feature. The other one ( browsing other peoples awards ) allready got implemented, thanks for that :)

February 9, 2012
smigles says:
Could we please have the important functions before that purely cosmetic stuff ? Pretty please with sugar on top ?

February 14, 2012
smigles says:
So far, the blog section is mostly filled with posts containing 2 lines...
Is that realy what the blog section is intendet for ? Is that what valuable developing time was used for ? Is that why we need this feature so much ?

March 9, 2012
smigles says:
Another great thing for easier handling would be the possibility to add authors to a favourites function (y)

March 19, 2012
smigles says:
How about this :

Make a thread with a poll about what features people would like to see implemented next ? So that you know a little bit what features are most important to the community ? Maybe make it so that everybody can vote 2 or 3 things.

My votes would go to

- editing awards
- authors favourites list.

I think a mod should set up the poll, so that he can change the options. Maybe make a thread first where everybody can say what features he is missing, and then set up the poll.

May 8, 2012
smigles says:
All the details aside, like who said what in what tone and if it was polite or not...

We realy need the add authors to favourites function ^^

That statement is true, no matter how polite it was worded. So please, please, please make it a priority. It's realy been quite a while and I think it is quite obvious from these re-apearing posts that the community realy wants this feature.

Also, what would be realy great, would be to hear from Forzyy what he thinks about this. Or just what the problems are with the feature. Is it a general problem with the structure of the site, or is it just so low on the priority list that he has not started working on it yet ? All I noticed so far trough all these threads is a general absence of replies from Forzyy. ^^

May 13, 2012
smigles says:
Why is Forzyy not saying anything ?

June 9, 2012
smigles says:
Well ok. This just stinks. Nothing is done and Forzyy does not even show up here once to tell us how he is handeling things.

I am realy disapointed. Too bad that there are no alternatives to TMX. This just sucks. Way to ignore what the people want. Keep working on implementing adds, that's what we need most :s

I hope that we get either a alternative to this crap or a coder that at least has some basic communication skills for the next TM2 envy. The state of tmx as it is is for sure one of the reasons why tm2 isnt taking off as it should.

Sorry for the rant, but it has been a year now and we have not even heared back. You'd think that a coder of a webpage would at least find the forum within a year. This just sucks donkey balls. Yes, you Forzyy.

I am out here. Make your own bloody server and search for maps yourself, I am done here. Whole heartly fuck you.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm impressed he held it together as long as he did.
Site Leader
Location: US
I'm quite impressed that you were able to put that together eyebo. You do make a good point, though, I agree with you and smigles that there are certain features that we need here, but name-calling and cuss words are not going to get then done.
Beetle Racer
Location: US
Swearing at people will only alienate them and possibly postpone said feature longer, just because you don't want it to be seen that such behaviour somehow affects your priorities.

But I think smigles has given up on it ever happening.
So it didn't matter to him anymore to continue the cordiality... sadly. :s
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo, you're epic |: forzy, read both eyebo's posts please -.-
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I am sure Forzyy doing his best.
agree, don´t be hostile to a person because than he might lose interest in doing what he is doing and decrease his prestation. That is facts in most cases.

@smingles Read what he do in this thread.
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
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