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"Install & Play" is to MX what the "iPhone" was to the mobile phone market.
Totally revolutionary and changed how I used the site. I was just thinking about that today.

So I'm not against new things. (y) I'd just like some of these basic functionalities too, especially ones that would appear to be extremely easy to make (if you knew what you're doing... unlike me) :p
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo (777) says:
I don't agree with smigles attitude here, although I certainly understand how it developed.

I understand a version of MX for Storm is probably top priority right now. But when that's to a point that it's stable and released, the aforementioned features would be greatly appreciated if they were developed in an expedient fashion. And what do you know... SM MX users will also benefit from the addition of this core feature.

Sorry for the attitude, I was kinda angry...

And no, I have of course not given up... I still love TM2 and since there is no other way to find maps, I have no choice but to stay here ^^

But why make a MX for storm ? As far as I know, we started as a trackmania community. If Nadeo wants a community to build around SM, then they can work on that themselfs. I know that most people I play TM with dont even plan on buying SM. Afaik Nadeo droppet the support for TMX, why should we work on making their games more popular ?

Of course that is just my opinion, but I would not mind at all to not have a SM site, but rather add the favourites feature for TM :)

edit : and since I actualy dont know that at all : who actualy "owns" mx ? who makes these decisions about what way to go etc ?
Last edited by smigles,
Old Age Caravanner
smigles, are you happy now? :d
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Forzyy says:
11/6/2012 - Bug fixes and features.
  • Fixed a bug associated with incorrect formatting of track/map BB code(s).
  • User favourite authors.*
  • You are now notified when a favourite author uploads a new track.
  • Other various minor bug fixes.

* You can search for maps by your favourite authors by clicking Find Tracks > Favourite Authors.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Moped Racer
Location: DE
:o (l)
Site Leader
Location: US
Already started adding to my list! Thanks forzyy! (y)
Beetle Racer
Location: US
This is such a welcome feature! Thank you!!!
Site Leader
Location: US
Woaoaoaoaoaoaoa !! Nice :d (l) (l) (l) (l)

Actualy this didnt realy answer any questions I had, but I am happy that we got the feature :d So all the complaining will now suddenly swift into praising and cheering :d ( and adding lots of authors to my favourites )

Thanks for that wonderful feature :d
Last edited by smigles,
Old Age Caravanner
You asked...

Why do we need MX for ShootMania? Well, because it's part of ManiaPlanet.

MX will probably support any ManiaPlanet titles in the future, even QuestMania. It may be a different genre, but ShootMania is still very closely related to TrackMania.... how you build maps, share them, etc.

We supported all the TrackMania titles in the past, even ones that some players didn't care about. Some users didn't care about TMNF, but we supported it, even giving it its own sub-site. And they just hit a third of a million tracks. Surely a lot of users are thankful for having that site.

And just because your circle of friends aren't going to play ShootMania, it doesn't mean that no one here will. There's plenty of interest in it both in the ShootMania topic in the General forum here and from a lot of TM players talking about it in the ShootMania subforum on ManiaPlanet forums.

I personally don't plan to play it as much as TM. I'm still mostly a racing fan, always will be. But it will be a nice side thing to play and will even be fun to make some maps in it, once I figure out exactly what kind of maps I want to build. :p

Much of the code base for MX for ShootMania is already taken from this site, so it's not a huge thing to make I guess. It will just require a bit of reworking for some of the details I guess.

But looking at it from the other direction... ShootMania could bring a whole lot of new people to TM2. If they like the editor and are curious about building some race maps, they might pick up Canyon. And if they're already familiar with MX for ShootMania, they may find it easy to jump over here to MX for TM2.

Now, I'm gonna go back to adding authors to my favorites.... (l)
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
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