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Basically what MrA was saying is that he has got no friends. :p

Just kidding. ;)
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo (741) says:
I personally add anyone and everyone I talk to or know. And if anyone adds me I always accept. I've had to spend 27,000 planets on slots. I hope I won't need those planets for other things. :s

But I will say that it's almost becoming impossible to keep up with stuff in ManiaHome. So I just let the notifications wash over me like an ocean wave.

That happens when you acceppt every request. Wouldn't happen to MrA, neither to me. :p
And it's clearly a pro for 'Favorite Authors' on mx. :)
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Well, I don't only accept requests, I also add people a lot myself, because I want to stay in touch with people I meet.

As near as I can remember, the only people who ever refused to add me was Hylis and Alinoa. :'( And that was like three years ago when I tried to add them. ;) Hey, you can't blame me for trying.

But I've since read that it's Hylis policy not to add people outside the team at Nadeo. I can see the wisdom in that, otherwise he'd have nearly every player added. He'd be like Tom from MySpace (the guy with 11787911 friends). ^^
Site Leader
Location: US
I'd love to have notification when my favorites authors post a new track. I've found lots of nice builders here, and I can't remeber their nicks and follow their works...
Also it would be great to list authors by number of suscribers in Users page, this way IMO we can find some popular authors who are unknow for us... (don't know if this was already on the planing...)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
Why is Forzyy not saying anything ?
Old Age Caravanner
So funny, I got a notification about commenting my own blog. :d
Moped Racer
Location: DE
Well ok. This just stinks. Nothing is done and Forzyy does not even show up here once to tell us how he is handeling things.

I am realy disapointed. Too bad that there are no alternatives to TMX. This just sucks. Way to ignore what the people want. Keep working on implementing adds, that's what we need most :s

I hope that we get either a alternative to this crap or a coder that at least has some basic communication skills for the next TM2 envy. The state of tmx as it is is for sure one of the reasons why tm2 isnt taking off as it should.

Sorry for the rant, but it has been a year now and we have not even heared back. You'd think that a coder of a webpage would at least find the forum within a year. This just sucks donkey balls. Yes, you Forzyy.

I am out here. Make your own bloody server and search for maps yourself, I am done here. Whole heartly fuck you.
Old Age Caravanner
Don't you think you overreact? Just a tiny little bit?

I can agree it would be nice to see some more communication from forzy's side.
But it would not change the fact the feature is not here yet.
Patience is not the worst trait. Sometimes you just have to accept things that you can't change anyway.
By now you should have realized forzy is not the great spellbinder. Btw this is not his profession, he's not getting paid for doing this. He has got a job like everyone else so he can pay his rent. So he can't be here full-time even though that's what you want and sometimes it seems it's what you expect.
Just be sure he's working on the site when he can.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
All of us are doing the stuff we do in our spare time.

Does not change the fact that such a central key element like TMX should be either in the hands of the game makers or in the hands of the community. As it is now, it is in the hands of one man, and it does not seem like anybody at TMX has any control over that man.

Nice to be totaly at the mercy of somebody who does not listen, not answer, not communicate anything about his plans for the future.

Maybe I am overreacting. I spent the last 5 years working on the game I love, and now it all goes down the drain with totaly unprofessional behaviour on ALL ends. Tm2 got released unfinished. Nothing was ready at release. Nothing was coordinated. Dedi was not done. TMX still is not done. Not even the server client was done. And the worst thing is that not only Nadeo is making us pay for a game in beta stage, but also the community on all ends is slacking, is slow, is unorganised. This just stinks. It's been months and months since the release. People are allready forgetting about TM2.

We used to have a good thing. Now it's a endless construction site. And no, i dont blame all of that on Forzyy, of course not. It's just one more puzzle piece that fits nicely into the picture. And I dont like the picture at all.
Old Age Caravanner
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